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Reading Order

Canon Chronological Order

Every Canon Star Wars novel in chronological order. Updated with every release!




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Star Wars Canon Books In Chronological Order

There are a number of Star Wars Book reading orders including chronological order and publishing order.

However, there are a number of issues with those reading styles which we completely break down in our articles The Best Star Wars Book Reading Order and Should You Read Star Wars Books in Chronological Order?
However, we realize that some folks are interested in checking out chronological order or picking out books by era and that's what this page is for!
Note that this page only contains novels and young adult novels. To view every type of Star Wars literature, check out our interactive and gorgeous timeline pages.

Reading Star Wars Books In Chronological Order

Chronological order, meaning simply in the order of the Star Wars Timeline, is probably the most commonly recommended reading order out there.

Reading in chronological order means locating a timeline somewhere. Then, you follow the timeline book-by-book, reading each new entry on the timeline in the order that it occurs in the Star Wars chronology.

You’ll start with books many millennia before the films and progress all the way through the films and several decades after.

The Best Star Wars Book Reading Order

We have a full breakdown of our recommended reading order and why we so frequently recommend it on our post The Best Star Wars Book Reading Order. But here is the short version:

  1. Start with the Youtini Foundational Five

  2. Read all the newest novels within 30 days of their release (use our release schedule)

  3. Use the Youtini Reading Order

  4. Pick books based on what you like (use our reading collections)

The High Republic Era

Set around 200 years before The Phantom Menace, this timeline features the Jedi at the height of their power and glory. But peace is a prize to be won, and this era is full of challenges for the Republic to overcome.

Fall of the Jedi Era

A time of confusion and strife, the Clone Wars loom over this era, clouding the machinations of the Sith as plots long-hidden doom the Galactic Republic.

Reign of the Empire Era

Set between the Prequel and Original trilogies, a new aggressive Empire flexes the iron will of Darth Vader and the Emperor over a weary galaxy. But seeds of hope are sown far and wide as a Rebellion is born.

Age of Rebellion Era

During the Original Trilogy of movies, the Galactic Civil War rages. The Empire tries to quash the sparks of hope, but a tide of heroes rises to meet their threat and counter the machines of war poised against them.

The New Republic Era

Peace at last. With the fall of the Empire and the death of Vader, the Galaxy begins to mend its wounds, but some scars are deep, and this new calm lays the groundwork for many hidden villains.

Rise of the First Order Era

After years of buildup, the First Order strikes out of its dark corner of the Galaxy and imposes its shackles; only the Heroic Resistance stands up against the rebirth of tyranny. 

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