Black Krrsantan
Explore Black Krrsantan's Star Wars journey from Marvel Comics to The Book of Boba Fett. Uncover his epic battles, backstory, and key book recommendations.
Black Krrsantan
So you've just finished The Book of Boba Fett and thought to yourself “Wow, that black-haired, gold-armored, brass-knuckle-carrying Wookiee they created for the show is so cool!” What you may not know is that Krsanntan is actually an original Marvel comic character. While his history is brief, the black-haired Wookiee has actually crossed paths with some of Star Wars’ most memorable characters.
Krsanntan’s first-ever comic appearance was in issue #1 of the 2015 Darth Vader comic, written by Kieron Gillen and illustrated by Salvador Larroca. The Dark Lord of the Sith himself hires Krrsantan to track down a target. Elsewhere in Jason Aaron’s 2015 Star Wars run, Krrsantan crosses paths with a number of other fan favorites like Jabba the Hutt, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca, and Han Solo.
But it’s his adventures with a fellow original comic character, Doctor Aphra that provide us with Krsanntan’s backstory. These stories told within the 2016 annual for Doctor Aphra, tell us how Krsanntan was exiled from his homeworld of Kashyyyk for working with the Xontai brothers, two crime bosses who often dabbled in Wookiee slave trading. Krsanntan walked away from the brothers with some physical enhancements and wound up making his way to the gladiatorial pits of Son-tuulian, earning the notoriety mentioned in The Book of Boba Fett as tournament champion.
While The Book of Boba Fett was Krsanntan’s first non-comic appearance, his survival of the turf war of Mos Espa opens the door to future appearances. And if the comics have shown us anything about the brass-knuckle-toting warrior, there isn’t a fight in the galaxy that Krsanntan will shy away from.