How Star Wars Became My Lifelong Obsession

The latest in a series of personal reflections from the Youtini staff on their journeys in the Star Wars fandom.

Feb 13, 2025

Two classic Star Wars figures, like the ones that ignited Doc's love for the franchise.

Entertainment Earth/Hasbro/Youtini Illustration

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Australia in the 1980s was always playing catch-up with our heroic, bigger brother, the awesome and intimidating United States of America.TV shows, magazines, basketball shoes, and clothing trends all would take SO much longer to get to us, and when they did, significant fanfare accompanied each arrival or new purchase.

A New Obsession

A little six-year-old, bespectacled boy walked into the Wodonga Plant Farm, and his eyes lit up with the find of his little life: these weird Star Wars figures were on display for only AU$1.99 (about US$2.20 at the time). 

The request was made. A deal was done. My father purchased “Hammerhead” and “Walrusman,” and I was on top of the world. A life-long obsession began!

I watched the first movie with my family. At primary school, I played with and traded figures with my mates Luke, Justin, and Gareth. Then the amazing day arrived when, at lunchtime, I opened my lunchbox to reveal a pristine, brand-spanking new Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) figure on top of my sandwich. I screamed with delight! 

A Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot action figure.

Entertainment Earth/Hasbro/Lucasfilm

I vividly remember spending time with my dad as my collection grew. Early Sunday mornings, we would go through my collection, and I encouraged him to name every single character! I was SO disheartened when he got them wrong after I prompted him SO many times!!

The Empire Strikes Back was announced, and my Mum, who worked in the local High School library, came home with the breaking news that the Emperor appears to Darth Vader in the new movie. He was rumored to be massive, a giant! 

This sent pulses of uncontrollable excitement through me as I prepared for the opening night. I was fortunate that the local Army theatre in Bandiana played both movies. The next day, I hunted high and low for figures, but alas, Target still only had the discounted figures from the first movie in stock. I would have to wait, but my collection grew again when the new figures finally came.

My trusted nightly companion, my Walkman, accompanied my transition to secondary school. By then, the third movie had dropped, and I regularly listened to the taped soundtrack of Return of the Jedi. I was now totally hooked, able to recite the entire third movie from the starting scroll to the Ewok Village celebration song. Getting to sleep was never an option until I heard that song! 

My figure collection continued to grow. One unforgettable day, I went to Target in Wodonga, and there in front of me was an entire hook of Yak Face figures with the European Tri-logo card. I had to have one, and considering their value today, I should have bought them all!

The World Strikes Back

An opportunity arose after university studies to spend two years teaching at Port Regis Preparatory School in the UK. I watched the premieres of the Prequel Trilogy in London, cosplayed Star Wars with students and colleagues, and owned my first set of battery-operated lightsabers. 

I also discovered that an alumni of the School was none other than Bruce Sharman, the production manager and supervisor for Episodes IV and V! He visited, and he showed the original design drawings of Cloud City, ships and frigates, costumes, lighting, and technical designs to the students and me! 

After bidding him goodbye with big hugs, I found in my pigeonhole in the staff room a gift from him: the original triangular Starkiller sticker, an R2-D2 coaster from the premiere of The Empire Strikes Back, and a cloth badge from the snow jackets used by the cast and crew in the Norway filming location. I still have these framed on my wall in a place of honor.

A collection of Star Wars memorabilia including an original triangular sticker, a coaster from the premiere of The Empire Strikes Back, and a cloth badge worn by cast and crew while filming in Norway.

Phil Bohun

I returned to Australia to a new job, with the same obsession with Star Wars. I was fortunate to share the hobby of LEGO Star Wars with my students. Each week, we sat for hours eating Star Wars chocolates and sharing a Darth Vader chocolate cake whilst making LEGO Star Wars ships and watching two movies. 

The boys I mentored and their parents took my breath away when, at the end of the year, as a gift of gratitude, they presented me with an original Jawa figure, complete with the vinyl cape – I bawled in front of them all because, finally, my collection was complete! 

Now teaching at a new school, May the Fourth each year I was granted permission to change the bell for the entire day to the Imperial March, the best days ever! Later in my career, at another new school, I had the awesome honor of presenting “Duel of the Fates” with 300 singing school children and a 100-student orchestra in Perth’s State Theatre. 

Meanwhile, the twang of Cupid hit hard. I found the best lady in the world, and I transformed to become ‘Yoda best Dad in the world’ and ‘Best Dad in the Galaxy’ to four beautiful daughters. I was gifted even more Star Wars collectibles for every birthday, followed closely by a Star Wars cake with too many candles!

Return of the Youtinian

My life then hit its lowest ebb when I suffered a severe mental breakdown. 

My wife’s and my family’s support saved me. Fortunately, I also found solace in a new side of the Star Wars fandom that I had not previously explored — books.

The Star Wars stories allowed me to escape to a galaxy far, far away. My collection exploded from one to fifty books in just two years, all read cover-to-cover! Plagueis, Dark Disciple, Alphabet Squadron, Light of the Jedi, and more helped me slowly and calmly welcome sleep each and every night – and still do to this day. 

Along with this novel joy came the discovery of a website that celebrated readers of the Force and provided advice and companionship for those with hearts of gold leaders! Youtini became my go-to. In this enlightenment of books, I have graciously discovered new friends in the form of Youtinians and I know you could too. My role as a content writer for the Youtini Dispatch allows me to research Star Wars every day, read widely, and bounce ideas off knowledgeable co-writers, and it is the highlight of my week. I love creating and composing stories that keep you informed and entertained!

Since then, the world has been looking far more positive. I teach Star Wars in class whenever possible. I read Star Wars stories, from Ian Doescher’s Shakespearean-style Star Wars scripts to the Episode 1 screenplay. I play the soundtracks, reward good work with Star Wars stickers, and use Star Wars images on the classroom screen for the next lesson, recess, lunch, end of the week, PE, etc. 

I now eagerly await my chance to fly to the US to meet my new Youtini family!

Phil ‘Doc’ Bohun is a Content Creator at Youtini hailing from Geelong, Australia. He brings his world-traveling experience and PhD in Education to the Youniverse. A passionate collector of Star Wars figures, Doc finds joy and excitement in the galaxy far, far away, sharing it enthusiastically with the Younited community.


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