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The Empire Strikes Back

Explore the best Star Wars books tied to The Empire Strikes Back, featuring iconic characters, bounty hunters, and unforgettable stories that expand the galaxy.

"Never tell me the odds!"

The Empire Strikes Back

The Death Star was a monument to everything that the Empire stood for. When the Rebel Alliance succeeded in obliterating the battle station against all odds, Imperial forces craved to see the terrorist group stomped out for good. That required the best the galaxy had to offer, albeit coming from the least glamorous of worlds.

In 1977, Star Wars rocked the box office and formed one of the largest fanbases in history. It had everything you could hope for in a space opera and the rest was open to interpretation. A sequel was not guaranteed, and Splinter of the Mind’s Eye was even written as a follow-up in case another film was unable to happen. But the fans’ dreams came true a couple years later when The Empire Strikes Back was released and expanded on the Star Wars universe in so many ways.

Empire Strikes Back introduced Jedi Master Yoda, Emperor Palpatine, Lando Calrissian, and a handful of unique bounty hunters. Many aspects that we love about Star Wars came from this highly-anticipated sequel which is still praised by fans to this day. The novels below capture the elements that made this film one to remember for ages.

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