Poe Dameron
Explore the essential guide to Poe Dameron in Star Wars! Discover his key moments, leadership growth, and full book/comic list, including Marvel's acclaimed series.
Poe Dameron
He’s cocky. He’s competent. He’s a true friend. He’s the best damn pilot in the galaxy. Poe Dameron had a strong introduction in The Force Awakens as he back-talked Kylo Ren, rocketed off of the Star Destroyer in a stolen TIE fighter, takes out ten enemy ships in a matter of seconds in the skies of Takodana, and enthusiastically embraced his long-lost droid as well as welcomed Finn into the Resistance. The Last Jedi nuanced his character by showing that he still has a lot to learn. It established him as an understudy to General Leia who will make a fine leader for the Resistance when the time comes. He represents a unique blend of the Big Three of the Original Trilogy:while he is close with Leia, he’s a confident pilot like Han, and looks good in the orange flight suit in an X-Wing like Luke. He looks to feature prominently in Episode IX as well as numerous upcoming tie-in materials.
Poe is on of the only Sequel Trilogy-era characters to have a substantial amount of EU material written about him up until this point. Most significantly is Marvel’sPoe Dameron ongoing series, written by Charles Soule and drawn by Phil Noto and later Angel Unzueta, which ran for thirty-one issues. It perfectly captured Oscar Isaac’s charisma, Poe’s snappy speech, BB-8’s energy and resourcefulness, and places Poe alongside wonderfully fleshed-out characters such as his fellow pilots in Black Squadron and his arch-nemesis, Agent Terex.