John Jackson Miller
Explore the Star Wars works of John Jackson Miller, a prolific author behind Kenobi, A New Dawn, and more. Dive into his canon, Legends, and comic contributions!
John Jackson Miller
One of few Star Wars authors who has bridged the chasm between both canon and Legends, prose and comics, is John Jackson Miller. He’s certainly one of the most reputable Star Wars authors, especially with the success of Kenobi, which has had a resurgence in relevance since the announcement of the Disney+ series starring Ewan McGregor in development. He got his start in Star Wars with a Darth Vader one-shot, soon to be followed by his fifty-issue run on Knights of the Old Republic, and went on to write the first book in the new canon—A New Dawn. He certainly has a great love of Star Wars, which is evident in the ethos of his Star Wars writing. When interviewed for The Living Force, he talked about his first time seeing Star Wars in his hometown of Memphis, Tennessee, when his sister tried time and time again to get them into a showing when only two theaters in town were playing the film. He’s more than happy to talk at length about his love for the original run of Marvel Comics, and in fact read Star Wars #1 before seeing the movie! It’s rare that you’ll find a more compellingly kind person and a Star Wars author with as many broad-ranging and significant contributions to the EU.
Few authors are as prolific in writing tie-in media as John Jackson Miller. In addition to his work on Star Wars, he has also written a notable run on Iron Man, as well as writing multiple books about Mass Effect, Battlestar Galactica, and. . . although it feels blasphemous to mention this on a Star Wars website, Miller even writes extensively for Star Trek. He also contributes immensely to genre fandom through maintaining and comichron.com—a site dedicated to comics circulation history and research. His official author website, farawaypress.com, is well worth your time as it features detailed notes on the development of all of his books!
Here’s the list of most of Miller’s contributions in Star Wars, although he has published several other short stories in Star Wars Insider, which are well worth tracking down. One of them even features his breakout character, Grand Admiral Rae Sloane!