Han Solo
Explore the ultimate collection of Han Solo books and comics, from daring heists to epic rebellions. Dive into the smuggler's legendary Star Wars adventures!
Han Solo
From the moment Han Solo slid into frame surrounded by the most wretched scum and villainy Mos Eisley had to offer, fans have been obsessed. The bad boy with a heart of a gold may have already been a tried and true trope in 1977, but our favorite smuggler redefined its meaning when the Millennium Falcon came soaring back to the Death Star to save the day, and ever since, we’ve been willing to follow this fateful Corellian to the end of any galaxy.
Since our initial meeting, we’ve seen him make the legendary Kessel Run, lead a Galactic Rebellion, fall in love with a princess, become a father, and sacrifice himself in an effort to rid the darkness within the one he loved most. Victory, loss, love, and heartbreak have colored the onscreen journey of Han Solo, and that trademark smirk has accompanied him through it all.
But there are so many more adventures to be had.
Within the pages of both Legends and Canon, readers have witnessed the near entirety of Han’s life as he travels from the streets of Corellia to planets, freighters, and moons too numerous to count (in this collection, anyway). Although each creator assuredly brings their own take to the pilot, the theme of a daring scoundrel on the edge of the law is ever present throughout these stories.
If you love Han Solo, smugglers, bounty hunters, and heists, you can’t go wrong with this collection.