Favorite Deep Pulls From Star Wars 100 Objects

Discover rare finds and deep lore in "Star Wars: 100 Objects" by Kristin Baver. Explore unique items spanning Star Wars eras and uncover their hidden stories!

May 7, 2023

Random House Worlds

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Star Wars: 100 Objects by Kristin Baver is a collection of a hundred interesting, rare, and illuminating objects from the Star Wars universe. Kristin has written many Star Wars reference books, and we think this is one of her coolest additions to the Star Wars literary world. 

The book is broken into four different sections covering the four major eras of Canon:

  • The Republic Era

  • The Imperial Era

  • The New Republic Era

  • The First Order Era

100 Objects features some items that are very familiar to fans, such as specific characters’ lightsabers and the masks worn by Sith Lords. For this article, we will focus mainly on the lesser-known objects that you might recognize as being part of the Star Wars universe but aren’t quite sure of their history or significance. 

We chose eleven objects—and one bonus object at the end!—to highlight for you, but we recommend picking up a copy of the book for yourself to enjoy all one hundred objects!

Objects of the Republic Era

Japor Snippet Pendant


Tatooine - 32 BBY

This wooden pendant was cut from the Japor wood of Tatooine by none other than Anakin Skywalker while he was enslaved by Watto. When the visitors who would change the course of his life—and that of the galaxy—came to Watto’s shop, Anakin became enamored by Padmé Amidala, the queen of Naboo. 

Anakin gave her this pendant, which stayed with Padmé through her life and death. In the scene of her funeral at the end of Episode III, we can see that even in death, Padmé still clutched the pendant from that little boy on Tatooine in her hands. 

Kaminoan Saberdart


Kamino - 22 BBY

This saberdart stored a deadly poison in its barrel that would instantly release upon contact with its target. Its hooked sides made it extremely difficult to remove from a victim’s flesh once embedded, as Obi-Wan Kenobi learned when trying to interrogate the assassin Zam Wesell, who was killed by a Kaminoan saberdart fired by Jango Fett.

In Episode II, Obi-Wan took the saberdart to his lifelong friend Dex, who pinpointed its origins back to Kamino. Without Dex’s knowledge, the Clone Wars would likely have had an even more devastating end for the Jedi. The use of this dart uncovered so much information that would have remained hidden, unlocking the path to the clone army.

Wookiee Clarion


Kashyyyk - 300 BBY to 19 BBY

This horn native to the Wookiees of Kashyyyk was crafted from wroshyr wood, bronzium plating, and cerulean gemstones, giving it real value outside of its sentimental meaning. During times of peace, the clarion was used by the Wookiees to signal meal times, gather tribe members together in one place, and during the celebrations of the famous holiday Life Day. 

However, during times of war, the clarion could be heard throughout a twelve-mile radius to alert Wookiees of all tribes of looming attacks. We see this in action during the Separatist siege on Kashyyyk at the end of the Clone Wars.

Objects of the Imperial Era

Holochess Table


Corellia - 10 BBY

Holochess was a favorite pastime of people all over the galaxy far, far away, but of course, the most famous holochess table was the one built into the Millenium Falcon. That particular table was added by the Falcon’s previous owner, Lando Calrissian, as he used holochess to size up potential gambling adversaries. However, when Han Solo and Chewbacca won the ship from Lando, it became clear very quickly to Han that you should always let a Wookiee win.

In the game, there are ten holographic pieces on the round table that aim to eliminate their counterparts to win the game. 

Spice Container


Daiyu - 9 BBY

This container represents the underbelly of the galaxy. Crafted and sold in the street markets of Daiyu, they release their intoxicating smoke with just the simple press of a button. These pressurized canisters were made of glass and copper and sold to the upper echelon of the galaxy’s spice users.

However, the illegal spice trade was not just fun and games, as most of it rested on the backs of enslaved people taken from their homes and forced to mine for that most precious powder. In particular, the Wookiees fell victim to the slaveholders of the spice trade, most likely preyed upon for their immense stature and strength. 

Chirrut Îmwe’s Lightbow


Jedha - 1 BBY

The Guardians of the Whills were tasked with protecting the Temple of the Kyber in the Holy City on Jedha, one of the final remnants of reverence for the Jedi left during the Imperial era. As a Guardian, Chirrut Îmwe preferred a long wooden staff for close quarters combat, but the fully blind warrior was also an expert with his lightbow at long range. 

As peacekeepers, creating a lightbow was a form of meditation for the Guardians. It was only to be used in times when peace had been offered and refused by opponents of the Temple of the Kyber. The weapon was far more powerful than almost any other, and so it was revered by the Guardians of the Whills as part of their path toward perfection.

Objects of the New Republic Era

Tusken Gaderffii Stick


Tatooine - 0 ABY

From the ancient wortwood tree of Tatooine, the Tuskens—also known as the sand people—made thousands of weaponized gaderffii sticks, which they used in combat against all types of enemies and prey. Through hallucinatory visions, young Tuskens experienced revelations that served as part of the ritual and rite of passage in the journey to crafting their gaderffii stick, which was customized specifically for them. 

Some Tuskens chose a speared tip for their gaderffii, while others preferred more of a club/cudgel design. Other customizations included specific grip types and placements and, of course, the length of the gaderffii stick itself. 

Beskar Ingots


Nevarro - 9 ABY

These bricks of beskar stamped with the symbol of the Empire were used to craft Mandalorian armor for countless generations. Prized for its unique ability to deflect both blaster bolts and the strikes of a lightsaber, beskar became a major component in the fight against the Jedi during their many conflicts with each other. 

After the Empire laid waste to Mandalore, beskar ingots became more difficult to acquire, but Mandalorian warriors repeatedly sought them out to uphold their tradition. Though it was rare and expensive, beskar remained the chosen crafting metal for Mandalorian armorers revered for their abilities.

Objects of the First Order Era

Ancient Jedi Texts


Ajan Kloss - 25,025 BBY

What sets these ancient Jedi texts apart from some of the wisdom and notes that came after them is the fact that they were written on uneti-pulp paper, rather than stored on a holocron, data chip, or droid. After Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance defeated the remnants of the Empire, Luke set out to bring these eight texts together, as they were all scattered around the galaxy. Without the help of the Jedi Order, he needed some way to interpret the Force, and these texts provided him with that.

After Luke Skywalker gathered these ancient documents, his padawan Rey continued to protect them for the sake of future Jedi, even using them to track down and retrieve Darth Sidious’s wayfinder. 

Military-Grade Ration Pack


Jakku - 5 ABY

After the war between the Empire and Rebellion, the so-called Graveyard of Giants on Jakku became a source of wealth and trade for local scavengers, including Rey. Once the massive star destroyers that crash landed there were stripped, another resource became almost equally important: the Empire’s ration packs. 

Packed with three pieces of dehydrated veg-meat and a poly-starch powder, these ration packs would become a full—though certainly not delicious—meal. By adding water, the poly-starch powder grew into a small bread roll, and the veg-meat became more palatable and less brick-like. While scavenging on her home planet of Jakku, Rey survived off these ration packs, trading in her scraps from the Graveyard of Giants to the junk boss Unkarr Plutt to receive her daily portions.

Interrogation Chair


Aboard the Finalizer - 34 ABY

Throughout the reign of the First Order, many members of the Resistance were tortured for information—or simply because the officers found joy in their deadly work. The intricacies of the interrogation chair weren’t changed much from the Empire to the First Order. Still, there was always room for customization depending on the officer’s preferences and the information they were trying to retrieve.

The interrogation chair itself was outfitted with hidden additions ready at any moment to deliver a dose of poison, an electric shock, or even to pierce the victim strapped in. Kylo Ren used his interrogation chair on the Finalizer to torture and interrogate both Poe Dameron and Rey.

Youtini’s Bonus Object!

Moisture Vaporator


Tatooine - 20 BBY

We couldn’t complete this list of cool and iconic Star Wars objects without including the moisture vaporator! Used by moisture farmers on the desert planet of Tatooine, vaporators were often the only thing staving off the ever looming threat of fatal dehydration. Each vaporator stood over 18 feet tall and slowly seeped moisture from the arid desert air one microscopic droplet at a time, providing farmers with water to drink and cook with and also to use in their hydroponic crop farms.

With each vaporator producing about three pints of water daily, farmers needed dozens of them spread across their property to keep up with demand, especially during particularly dry seasons when it seemed like the entire planet had dried up.


We hope you enjoyed our selections from 100 Objects by Kristin Baver! If so, pick up your own copy at your local bookstore or online, because the other 88 objects are just as awesome and interesting as these. 

In the meantime, you can check out our Canon Comics Timeline and Canon Books Timeline to read the content in your favorite eras from this guide!

Emmi Conner is a Content Creator and host of the Canon Book Club at Youtini and a graduate student in Charlotte, NC. A Star Wars fan since watching Attack of the Clones at age nine, she is quite happy to immerse herself in a galaxy far, far away. She enjoys watching cartoons with her girlfriend and relaxing with a beer and a good horror or sci-fi novel.





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