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LGBTQ+ Characters

Explore the Star Wars LGBTQ+ book collection featuring diverse characters like Doctor Aphra, Yrica Quell, and more. Celebrate representation in a galaxy far, far away!

“If you think Luke is gay, of course he is.” - Mark Hamill

LGBTQ+ Characters

Our identity is the most personal thing we own. We carry it around everywhere we go. It’s what we use to cast our mark on the world. It’s how our family and friends perceive us. If we don’t know who we are, or if we’re not confident in who we are, then how can we possibly live to the fullest? Acceptance of who we are, whether it be from ourselves or those around us, is key to making a lasting impact on the universe.

No matter who you are or who you choose to be, you deserve to be seen. You deserve to be heard. You deserve acceptance. You are not alone.

We’ll say it now and we’ll say it until the end of time:


The LGBTQ+ community gains more recognition with each passing day because there are those who will stand up in the name of equality. You will find supporters throughout all of Youtini and even among the roster of Star Wars authors such as E.K. Johnston, Delilah S. Dawson, Sarah Kuhn, and countless others. These authors acknowledge these wonderful traits and create characters to represent fans who identify with them.

Some of the most courageous and daring characters in Star Wars literature express various sexualities. Because these characters have taken on the galaxy and conquered near-impossible feats, many readers among the LGBTQ+ community find inspiration in these incredible individuals. Fans of these characters are encouraged to be the best that they can be despite any odds that may be stacked against them, and that feeling is more valuable than any amount of credits.

The very first openly gay couple in Star Wars literature can be found in Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice by Karen Traviss between Goran Beviin and Medrit Vasur. That significant step allowed representation to expand into the current Canon timeline with the first queer, lesbian character being Moff Delian Mors from Lords of the Sith and the first gay couple being Sinjir Velus and Conder Kyl from the Aftermath trilogy.

There’s so much more to be found in the hundreds of Star Wars books out there, and the sheer variety has us cheering like there’s no tomorrow. Bisexuality is explored in characters like Yrica Quell, Sana Starros, Kaeden Larte, and Rae Sloane. We have seen asexual characters like Vi Moradi and Leox Gyasi, trans and non-binary characters like Terec and Ceret, and even a genderqueer character like Eleodie who uses the pronouns zhe/zhem/zher. Did you know that Lando, the old smoothie fans have loved since the beginning, was identified as pansexual in his self-titled comic series? Speaking of which, Doctor Aphra is a dominant figure in Star Wars comics who is often seen in relationships with other women.

It’s only a matter of time before we start seeing more representation in visual media like films and shows, a couple examples being the lesbian pair during the celebration scene in The Rise of Skywalker and the gay aquisition suppliers in Resistance. These are only the first steps to having variety in sexual preference becoming the norm.

Romance has been an integral element in the Star Wars saga since the very beginning. The power of love always reigns supreme, so why not show all of the ways that we can love? It’s a beautiful thing that comes in so many shapes and forms and it’s time we proudly celebrate it all.

Those in the LGBTQ+ community may face their fair share of villains who will try to bring them down. But just like the Rebellion and the Resistance, there are many of us who will stand and fight in the name of love. We will power through the odds and nurture a better world together. For every new queer character introduced, we will celebrate our victory.

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