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Explore the Star Wars Clone-centric book collection! Dive into stories of identity, loyalty, and heartbreak, from Republic Commando to The Clone Wars and beyond.

“Look around. We’re one and the same. Same heart, same blood.” – Fives


This post is sponsored by Patreon contributor Patrick Ortiz.

When you look and sound the same as all your brothers, your individual identity can disappear. That is, if you ever had your own identity -- beyond an assigned set of letters and numbers -- to begin with.

All cloned from the same man, the loyal soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic were raised as one unit. Trained with only one purpose: To obey orders. To their creators, clones were never meant to act as individuals. Essentially, they were living droids made to be expendable.

And before the expanded universe first introduced us to the concept, we never knew millions of men with the same face and voice could each be their own person.

Then came the Republic Commando series -- and soon after that, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Here we learned that each clone had his own name, his own thoughts, his own traits. Even his own fears.

Just when we thought Order 66 couldn’t get any more heartbreaking, various books introduced us to the very characters we never thought we could fall in love with … many of whom would go on to betray the Jedi they once fought beside.

If you’re been looking for more Star Wars stories featuring your favorite clones, look no further.

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