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Explore the best BB-8 Star Wars books and comics! From Poe Dameron to The Last Jedi, dive into stories of the charming astromech droid. Perfect for fans!

"Happy beeps here, buddy," Poe said. "Come on—we've pulled through crazier stunts than this. BB-8 didn't dignify that with a response. "Happy beeps," Poe said again, this time more to himself.


One of the very first glimpses Star Wars fans saw of the incredibly highly anticipated Sequel Trilogy was of a droid. . . or was it a soccer ball? One thing was for sure, he had charm! BB-8 has since gone on to permeate recent Star Wars iconography, serving as the perfect companion alongside heroes like Poe, Rey, and even the animated series Resistance’s main character, Kaz.

Based on original concept art done over forty years ago by the legendary Ralph McQuarrie and re-imagined by his successor, Doug Chaing, BB-8 is the lovable astromech astromech for a new generation of fans. Quirky and animated, brave and loyal, he is the perfect companion for any adventure in the galaxy far, far away. Complete with the ability to tether himself inside the hold of the Millennium Falcon, thumbs-up like your best bro, or repair your X-Wing in a pinch in the middle of a high-risks space battle, BB-8 never fails to be a friend when the going gets tough.

This guide features a handful of BB-8’s best appearances in Star Wars books, from his wonderful ensemble of astromechs in Black Squadron in the ongoing Poe Dameron comics series, to getting a scene in his POV in the novelization for The Last Jedi. Stay tuned for an update in the near future when we add children’s books to the site, because BB-8 on the Run tells the heartwarming story of what happens to the creamsicle ball droid in The Force Awakens after Poe is captured and before BB-8 is rescued from Teedo by Rey. The future is sure to hold many more stories of his hilarious heroics, but we hope you enjoy these for now.

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