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Alexander Freed

Everything you need to get started reading Star Wars books by Alexander Freed

"Out here, when somone above you gives an order, you follow it. When someone tries to teach you something, you pay attention. When someone shoots at you, you shoot back."

Alexander Freed

Many Star Wars readers got their first introduction to Alexander Freed in 2015 with Battlefront: Twilight Company, but he began writing in the Star Wars universe earlier than that. In fact, if you’re a fan of Star Wars: The Old Republic, you may have been enjoying some of his work without even knowing it.

After getting his start writing for pen-and-paper roleplaying games, Freed was on the writing staff at BioWare from 2006 to 2012. There, he was part of the team that earned The Old Republic MSNBC’s game of the year award in 2011 as well as four Game Developers Choice Awards, among others. He wrote the arc for Imperial Agent, one of the playable character classes, and two arcs—Blood of the Empire and Lost Sons—for the Dark Horse comic that tied into the game.

In 2012, he left the company to become a freelance writer. As a freelancer, he continued to work in video games and pursued some additional work outside the Star Wars franchise. He also continued to write for Dark Horse’s Star Wars comics, writing both parts of Purge: The Tyrant’s Fist. 

2015’s Twilight Company was his first Star Wars novel, and it earned a spot on BuzzFeed’s “Best Science Fiction Books of 2015.” He followed that up the following year with the novelization for Rogue One. He contributed to “Contingency Plan,” a short story in From a Certain Point of View. In it, we see Mon Mothma during the Battle of Yavin—a fascinating look into what those tense hours were like for the legendary Rebel leader and one of the anthology’s highlights.

His credentials in the current crop of Star Wars authors thus solidified, in 2019, Freed published Alphabet Squadron, the first in a trilogy set just after Return of the Jedi as the New Republic—and a cobbled-together team of pilots—hunt down Imperial holdouts. You can read our review and check out our two-part podcast roundtable where we gave our full thoughts on the first entry in the trilogy. The second installment, Shadow Fall, came out in 2020 and you can check out our review as well as Alexander Freed's interview on The Living Force Podcast!

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