Youtini Kids Corner: Galaxy of Adventures/Creatures Big & Small
Our first Youtini Kids Corner where we look at Galaxy of Adventures: Heroes & Villains and Star Wars Creatures Big & Small.
Oct 1, 2019
Welcome to the Youtini Kids Corner!
With all of the incredible Star Wars content coming out for adults, sometimes it’s easy to forget that there are just as many stories being released for the younglings! Here in the Youtini Kids Corner, we’re going to highlight a couple of the newest offerings from Disney Lucasfilm that will put a smile on the face of every Padawan.
World of Reading: Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures: Heroes & Villains (Level 2)

Written by: Ella Patrick
Art by: Titmouse Animation
If you’re a fan of the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel, then you probably already know about Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures. If not, open up another tab right now and go check them out! Whether you’re a kid or an adult, everyone can find something to love in these new animated shorts that Disney has been releasing online.
Each short video showcases a specific character’s journey throughout Star Wars, and the animation is beautifully kinetic. An abundance of color and movement is infused into every single video, and that exact same art style can be found in World of Reading: Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures: Heroes & Villains as drawn by folks at the Titmouse Animation Studio.
Written by Ella Patrick for junior readers in Kindergarten, this book gives a basic rundown of the main themes and characters in a galaxy far, far away. Patrick’s sentences are just complex enough for those that are starting to read, and if you’re a parent, this small book can be a perfect tool to use with those that may not think reading is all that fun.
At the end of the book, there are two full pages of stickers for continued fun with your youngling learner, and if they latch onto this book and the Galaxy of Adventure shorts over on Star Wars Kids, it’s only a matter of time before they’ll be begging for you to throw in those blu-rays!
Star Wars Creatures Big & Small

Written by: Callipoe Glass & Caitlin Kennedy
Art by: Katie Cook
When I was a kid, some of my favorite bedtime stories were collections of poems that my mom would read to me. The musical cadence of the poems lulled me off to sleep almost every single time, and with Star Wars Creatures Big & Small, Calliope Glass & Caitlin Kennedy have replicated just that.
Creatures introduces children between the ages of five and eight to thirty creatures and monsters from the Star Wars galaxy. Every creature page features a classically rhyming poem by Glass & Kennedy as well as some of the most adorable illustrations that you’ll ever see by Katie Cook. Some of the poems follow a limerick structure, others stick to a more classic ABAB rhyming scheme, but at the end of the day, every single one is fun and light. Some poems even sneak in some vocabulary for those parents trying to trick their kids into learning just a bit more before they close their eyes.
As a parent who will likely have to read the same stories over and over again, you’ll undoubtedly be quite happy to have Star Wars Creatures Big & Small amongst your child’s favorites. The artwork can’t help but bring a smile to every fan’s face, and maybe you’ll even learn a bit, yourself, about the favorite creatures from your own childhood.
Be sure to help support Youtini when you pick up World of Reading: Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures: Heroes & Villains and Star Wars Creatures Big & Small by using our Amazon links below.
Disney Lucasfilm Publishing will be putting out books and collections for readers of all ages for months and years to come, so be sure to stay tuned to Youtini for next Kid’s Corner! Bedtime depends on it!
Before yougo, here's one of my favorite pages from Creatures Big & Small!

Eric Eilersen is a Senior Writer at Youtini and co-host of The Youtini Show. He loves collecting Star Wars Funkos, lightsabers, and LEGO as well as playing video games, reading Brandon Sanderson novels, watching the Dallas Cowboys, and spending time with his partner and pets. You can follow him at @EricEilersen.