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Explore the compelling story of Sabé, Queen Amidala's loyal handmaiden, from Star Wars books and comics like Queen's Shadow and Darth Vader. Discover her journey now!

"We are brave, Your Highness."


What would you sacrifice to save the one you love?

Your home? Your family? Your very identity?

Such a question is asked of Tsabin, a wondrously talented musician in the halls of the Theed Conservatory. A new queen is about to be crowned, and this hallikset playing prodigy is being called to serve. Little does she know that this new charge will not only become a successful monarch, but she will also become the closest thing to a soulmate Tsabin--soon to become Sabé--will ever know.

Portrayed originally by Keira Knightley in an admittedly brief amount of screentime in The Phantom Menace, Sabé was a handmaiden of Queen Amidala during the years preceding the Clone Wars conflict. Initially recruited thanks to her physical resemblance to the queen, Sabé immediately set herself apart from her compatriots thanks to her ability to seamlessly weave in and out of Padmé’s daily life.

A relationship that began simply as security and detail instantly transformed to one of confidants and supposed equals, but throughout their lives together, Sabé’s dedication to Padmé’s life above her own was never in question. Even after the queen’s transition to a senatorial role within the government of the Galactic Republic, Sabé never questioned her role as Padmé’s subordinate.

Padmé would always come first.

Everything and everyone else would have to wait their turn.

And she never questioned that.

Throughout Padmé’s career as a senator of Naboo, Sabé undertook less visible missions at her former ruler’s behest like investigating the status of slavery on Naboo as it pertained to a certain mother of prophecy. This continuing dedication to Padmé’s personal causes allowed Sabé to remain within Padmé’s inner circle long after the other Naboo handmaidens had left their service to preserve lives outside the bonds of galactic government.

Following Padmé’s tragic demise, Sabé’s mission in life focused on the most intensely singular goal imaginable: the discovery of the truth behind her fallen friend’s death. This mission allied her once more with her sisters from another life as well as a number of additional forces who all agreed that Padmé’s murder was exactly that.

This unparalleled dedication to her best friend even after such a tragedy elevated Sabé from an interesting plot point in The Phantom Menace to a character that now commands enough respect to go toe to toe with Darth Vader and live to tell the tale. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who became Darth Vader, is one of the most strongest characters in the Star Wars movies. Sabé's story is so captivating that she has also made appearances in Darth Vader comics.

Sabé’s tale is one of self discovery, the unbreakable bonds of friendship, and the belief that doing what is right is worth any sacrifice imaginable. If you're wondering who is Sabé in Star Wars or are a fan of Star Wars movies, you'll be captivated by her story.

Oh, and did we mention that she teams up with one of the most influential, fantastical, and fashionable politicians in the galaxy to possibly become a Fulcrum agent? We didn’t? Interesting. Well, if you want to discover more about this generational artisan’s path to sabotage and the eternal fight for justice, here’s a few places you can look.

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