Ultimate Guide to Jedi Master Plo Koon: The Compassionate Warrior of the Jedi Order

Explore Plo Koon’s origins, key appearances in Star Wars media, and influence on the galaxy. From his beginnings as simply a cool looking Prequel Jedi to a start of The Clone Wars, this guide will teach you all you need to know about the compassionate warrior of the Jedi Order.

Feb 7, 2025

Paolo Puggioni/Youtini Illustration

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Plo Koon is celebrated as one of the greatest Jedi in the Star Wars universe. Known for his compassion, wisdom, and tactical brilliance, this Kel Dor Jedi Master left an enduring mark on the galaxy far, far away - and it’s not just because he’s one of the most unique looking Masters in the Order…

Jedi Master Plo Koon wielding a blue lightsaber in battle, wearing his signature protective mask and goggles. He extends a clawed Kel Dor hand as he deflects blaster fire from surrounding battle droids, with sparks flying in the background.

Fantasy Flight Games

Whether guiding the elite Wolfpack clone troopers or mentoring Ahsoka Tano (who he found, by the way), Plo Koon exemplified the virtues of the Jedi Order in every action he took. His story spans both Canon and Legends, offering fans of all walks of life a deeper understanding of his character, from his heroic contributions during the Clone Wars to his portrayal in some truly fantastic classic video games and comics.

This guide is an essential resource for fans eager to learn more about Plo Koon’s rich legacy. Whether you’re curious about his discovery of Ahsoka Tano, his pivotal battles in The Clone Wars, or why in the world his lightsabers sometimes switch between blue and yellow lightsabers, this comprehensive article will cover it all.

You’ll also figure out where to find his main appearances in all sorts of Star Wars media from books and TV shows to films and comics and even where to pick up some figures, sets, and sabers if you want to honor Master Plo from your own home.

But that’s enough talk for now – let’s go ahead and dive into the incredible life of Plo Koon, exploring his history, his leadership in the Clone Wars, his potential as Ahsoka’s master, and the enduring impact he’s had on Star Wars fans everywhere.

Who Is Plo Koon?

Despite his extremely minimal screen time in the Prequel Trilogy, Plo Koon became a fan favorite almost instantly after their release. I remember playing Star Wars: Obi-Wan on the original Xbox, and when I unlocked this alien Jedi with a face covered in a mask and goggles, I immediately fell in love.

Jedi Master Mace Windu sits in the Jedi Council chamber in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, with Jedi Master Plo Koon seated beside him. Plo Koon, a Kel Dor, wears his signature breathing mask and goggles. An inset zooms in on his face, highlighting his intricate alien features and mask design.


A gameplay screenshot from Star Wars: Obi-Wan on the original Xbox, featuring a duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Plo Koon in the Jedi Temple. Both characters wield blue lightsabers as they engage in combat, with the game's health bar and interface elements visible on the screen. The background features large windows overlooking Coruscant.

Lucasfilm Games

As the years went on, what started as a character who fandom simply embraced due to a cool design became a character known for compassion, wisdom, and even power. After all…there aren’t many Light Side characters who have the ability to harness Force lightning.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Before we dive into a brief history of Plo Koon’s character, there are a few basics we need to get out of the way first.

Is Plo Koon Still Alive?

This is perhaps the time to admit that this article will be up to date with spoilers, but if you’ve paid attention to Star Wars any time after 2005, then you will know…Plo Koon is not alive. He was killed during the brutal attacks of Order 66 by his own squadron as they flew over Cato Neimoidia.

Jedi Master Plo Koon piloting his starfighter over Cato Neimoidia during Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. The Kel Dor Jedi is seen from behind as he glances toward incoming clone starfighters moments before being shot down during Order 66. The sky outside is filled with Republic ships turning against him.


Some fan theories have posited that Plo Koon survived his fiery crash and could potentially be in hiding throughout the events of the Galactic Civil War, but according to the official Star Wars Canon, Plo Koon did, in fact, perish.

What Does Plo Koon Look Like Without His Mask?

Perhaps the most asked question about Master Plo is what he looks like without his trademark mask and goggles. Because the mask is biologically necessary for Plo Koon’s survival, he is rarely seen without it, but a rare behind the scenes photo from the old Star Wars database shows a concept model for the character without his goggles and his eyes shut.

A side-by-side comic illustration comparison of Jedi Master Plo Koon with and without his signature mask. On the left, he wears his breathing apparatus and goggles, while on the right, his unmasked face reveals his Kel Dor features, including dark eyes, leathery skin, and tusk-like protrusions. An orange arrow between the images emphasizes the transformation.

Dark Horse Comics

Our best look at a maskless Plo Koon, however, comes from John Ostrander’s 2009 comic, Star Wars: Purge: Seconds to Die. Thanks to a flashback scene on his homeworld of Dorin, we are able to see Plo free of his breathing apparatus for the first time.

Early Life

Plo Koon was a Kel Dor from the planet Dorin. Known for their orange skin, black facial markings, and sensitive respiratory systems, Kel Dor require specialized masks and goggles to survive in oxygen-rich environments.

Plo Koon’s origins on Dorin greatly shaped his philosophy, as the planet’s harsh environment fostered a strong sense of community and interdependence among its people. This cultural upbringing contributed to Plo Koon’s deep compassion and dedication to the Jedi ideals of service and unity.

Illustration of Jedi Master Plo Koon and another Kel Dor warrior standing in front of the planet Dorin. Plo Koon wears his traditional Jedi robes and breathing mask, while the other Kel Dor, clad in dark armor, holds a long spear-like weapon. The reddish-brown surface of Dorin, their homeworld, is visible in the background against the darkness of space.

Fantasy Flight Games

In Canon, Plo Koon’s Kel Dor physiology is portrayed with great detail, especially through his distinct mask and goggles, which have become iconic symbols of his character and are the main reason I thought he was so cool as a child. Legends further expands on these traits, emphasizing his heightened sensory abilities, such as being able to sense changes in air density or atmospheric pressure.

While both Canon and Legends highlight his species’ connection to the Force, Legends delves further into their natural affinity for precognition, setting Plo Koon apart as one of the most intuitive Jedi of his time.

Jedi Order Training and Rise to Jedi Council

Plo Koon’s journey to becoming one of the Jedi Order’s most respected Masters began at the Jedi Temple, where he trained as a youngling, Padawan, Jedi Knight, and eventually Master.

Over time, Plo Koon rose through the ranks, eventually earning a place on the esteemed Jedi Council. Known for his exceptional wisdom and measured judgment, he was a trusted voice during key decisions that shaped the galaxy for years.

During the events of The Phantom Menace, Plo Koon was seen serving on the Jedi Council alongside noted Jedi like Yoda and Mace Windu, and while he didn’t play a direct role in the events surrounding the Naboo Crisis, his presence nonetheless symbolized the Council’s strength during this turbulent period.

Jedi Master Plo Koon seated in the Jedi Council chamber alongside Yoda and Mace Windu, overlooking the Coruscant skyline at sunset. An inset zooms in on Plo Koon’s masked face emphasizing his presence as a respected member of the Jedi Council.


His relationships with fellow Jedi were built on mutual respect, particularly with Yoda, whom he deeply admired, and Ahsoka Tano, whom he guided with a firm but compassionate hand.

The Discovery of Ahsoka Tano

Plo Koon’s Role as Ahsoka’s Master

Many fans may not know that Plo Koon actually played a pivotal role in the discovery of Ahsoka Tano. As we see in The Clone Wars animated series, Plo Koon found the young Togruta on her home planet of Shili and was the one to recognize her Force sensitivity.

Jedi Master Plo Koon kneels and extends his hand to a young Ahsoka Tano on her home planet of Shili, recognizing her Force sensitivity. The scene is bathed in warm light as Togruta villagers watch in the background. An inset highlights an older Ahsoka, played by Rosario Dawson in The Mandalorian, emphasizing her journey from Padawan to Jedi warrior.


He brought her to the Jedi Temple and personally ensured she would receive the training needed to become a Jedi. Ahsoka paved the way for Plo Koon to showcase his compassion and his ability to see potential in others, solidifying his reputation as one of the Order’s most nurturing leaders.

When I first watched the show, Ahsoka instantly became one of my favorite characters, and when it was revealed that Plo Koon was the one to bring her to the Temple in the first place, it was an awesome combination of my younger and older fandoms.

Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano’s Bond

The bond between Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano, however, was fairly unique, characterized by mutual respect and trust. Even after Ahsoka became Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan, she continued to view Plo Koon as a guiding figure. His mentorship style, which balanced kindness with discipline, left a lasting impression on her, shaping her approach to challenges both within and beyond the Jedi Order.

Jedi Master Plo Koon crouches thoughtfully while speaking with Ahsoka Tano in a dimly lit forest. The two share a moment of reflection, with Plo Koon’s masked face partially illuminated by soft blue lighting. Ahsoka, now older and more independent, stands with a determined expression, emphasizing their deep mentor-student bond.


It’s always fun to speculate about a future where Plo Koon had remained Ahsoka’s master instead of Anakin Skywalker. While her setup in Season 5 may still have played out in similar fashion, Ahsoka’s overall journey might have been vastly different. With Plo Koon’s calm and measured mentorship continuing over the years, Ahsoka may have embraced a more…traditional Jedi path, avoiding the intense emotional struggles she later faced under Anakin’s tutelage.

Ahsoka Tano, Plo Koon, and Anakin Skywalker

Ahsoka’s transition from Plo Koon’s measured guidance to Anakin Skywalker’s more intense training marked a significant turning point in her development. While Plo Koon embodied the traditional ideals of the Jedi, Anakin’s unconventional methods introduced Ahsoka to a more emotionally driven approach that may have saved her life from time to time but definitely had its ups and downs.

This contrast ultimately helped Ahsoka find her own path of survival after Order 66, but it still leaves us wondering how her destiny might have unfolded had she remained under Plo Koon’s mentorship.

Plo Koon’s Role in the Clone Wars

Leadership of the Wolfpack

Now Ahoska wasn’t the only main mentorship in Master Plo’s life. Throughout the Clone Wars, Plo Koon was the steadfast leader of the 104th Battalion, better known as the Wolfpack, a distinguished group of clone troopers known especially for their loyalty and courage.

Jedi Master Plo Koon reaches out to rescue two wounded clone troopers from the Wolfpack battalion. The Wolfpack emblem iin the top left corner, symbolizes the strong bond between Plo Koon and his loyal troops. The tense moment captures the chaos and camaraderie of The Clone Wars.


As their general, Plo Koon fostered an environment of respect and camaraderie, treating the clones not as expendable soldiers but as individuals with their own thoughts and feelings. This compassionate leadership style set him apart from many other Jedi generals who had a slightly less humanizing approach to warfare, making him a beloved figure among his troops.

One of Plo Koon’s most iconic moments in The Clone Wars comes during his first appearance in the series, in the episode “Rising Malevolence.” Trapped in a life-threatening situation aboard a Republic escape pod, Plo Koon instantly establishes himself as one of the coolest Jedi in history as he assures his troops with a legendary line.

As the clones begin to fear their imminent death, they claim that nobody will help them, because they are meant to be expendable. Master Plo simply responds Not to me.”

I remember seeing this episode for the first time and instantly feeling validation for my lifelong love of Plo Koon’s character. This was the cool looking alien Jedi Master from my Xbox game establishing a precedent of humanity and love that would continue throughout the series.

The line was so impactful that it became a sort of meme over the years, but its initial delivery remains untouchable as it symbolizes compassion and the value of individual lives in times of war.

Major Contributions

Throughout the Clone Wars, Plo Koon played an unquestionably crucial role in the Republic’s fight against the Separatists. His strategic mind and exceptional skills as a pilot made him a vital asset in numerous campaigns despite being the ultimate tools of his demise.

One of his most significant contributions was during the aforementioned Battle of Abregado, where he led the Wolfpack in a desperate mission against the Separatists’ fearsome weapon, the Malevolence. Although outmatched and nearly defeated, Plo Koon’s courage and leadership allowed his forces to survive long enough to warn the Republic of the Malevolence’s destructive power.

Jedi Master Plo Koon wields his blue lightsaber in the depths of space, surrounded by debris from a battle. His determined expression and battle-ready stance highlight his leadership during the Battle of Abregado in The Clone Wars. The glowing blade contrasts against the dark void, emphasizing the intensity of the moment.


The fact that this arc is so early in the series shows just how deeply the Star Wars creators respected Plo Koon as a character. Sure, the main characters of the show are Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, but placing a relatively unknown character like Plo Koon front and center that early proves his worth not only to the in-universe Jedi, but also to the out-of-universe writers.

From large-scale battles leading the Republic Forces to intimate moments of mentorship, Plo Koon’s role in The Clone Wars series showcases his unparalleled commitment to justice and compassion. His leadership of the Wolfpack, his discovery of Ahsoka, and his contributions to the efforts of the Republic and Jedi alike cement him as an iconic figure in the Star Wars galaxy, beloved by fans and clones alike.

Plo Koon’s Death and Legacy

The Tragic Fall

Plo Koon’s death in Revenge of the Sith remains one of the most heart-wrenching moments of the Star Wars saga, and one of the most chilling scenes for me as a young fan.

Jedi Master Plo Koon piloting his starfighter over Cato Neimoidia in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. His Kel Dor features are visible as he turns to see incoming clone starfighters behind him. Moments later, he is betrayed and shot down during Order 66. The scene captures the tragic fall of the Jedi Order.


During Order 66, the clones Master Plo fought alongside turned against him, following the direct orders of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. While piloting his ship during a mission over Cato Neimoidia, Plo Koon was fired on by troops of the 127th Gunship Wing, causing the ship to spiral out of control and crash in a fiery explosion.

His death, alongside so many others like Ki-Adi-Mundi and Aayla Secura, marked the tragic betrayal of the Jedi Order by the Republic they had so loyally served- symbolizing the true fall of the Jedi and the end of an era.

For lifelong fans like myself, Order 66 is still one of the hardest moments in all of Star Wars. Seeing Plo Koon react to his ship exploding behind him is forever seared into my memory, and despite the larger galactic consequences of that moment…as a young kid in a movie theater seat, I simply felt destroyed that one of my favorite Jedi had died right in front of me.

Nowadays, this moment resonates as a powerful depiction of loss and the devastating consequences of Palpatine’s manipulation. Order 66 remains one of the most intense scenes in the history of Star Wars, and Plo Koon’s death specifically continues to be a painful memory among fans who reflect on how one of the wisest members on the Council as well as one of their most compassionate figures met such an unjust end.

Why Does Plo Koon Wear His Distinctive Mask?

Purpose and Function

Aside from Plo Koon’s tragic story, part of his extreme popularity amongst fans undeniably comes from his design. Whether it was the Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: Obi-Wan, or Jedi Power Battles that first introduced you to Master Plo, it’s more than likely that you originally thought he was cool because of his signature mask.

From a lore perspective, Plo Koon’s mask and goggles are essential for his survival in oxygen-rich environments. As a Kel Dor, he hails from Dorin, a planet with an atmosphere comprised of helium and a unique gas which is aptly called…Dorin gas.

Jedi Master Plo Koon piloting his starfighter in space, wearing his signature breathing mask and goggles. His intricate Kel Dor facial features are highlighted by the lighting, while the vast starry expanse serves as a backdrop. His focused expression reflects his strategic mindset and battle awareness.


Oxygen is toxic to Kel Dor physiology, which makes his specialized mask a vital tool for breathing. His goggles, meanwhile, protect his sensitive eyes, allowing him to see clearly in a variety of atmospheric conditions.

Kel Dor masks are rarely seen in Star Wars media, but aside from Plo Koon, they can also be seen briefly on a Jedi character named Ithia Paan in The Acolyte and in the background of Luthen Rael's shop in the first season of Andor.

What Does Plo Koon Look Like Without a Mask?

While Plo Koon is rarely seen without his mask, there are a few instances where we can get a glimpse of his unmasked appearance. In these depictions, Plo Koon is shown with a rugged, leathery face, a wide mouth, and large black eyes. Because these moments are rare, it really emphases how integral his mask is to his character’s design and identity.

A behind the scenes look at an early Plo Koon mask without the trademark goggles

Chronicle Books

Our best look at a maskless Plo Koon comes from John Ostrander’s 2009 comic, Star Wars: Purge: Seconds to Die. Thanks to a flashback scene on his homeworld of Dorin, we are able to see Plo free of his breathing apparatus for the first time.

Needless to say, Plo Koon’s mask is perhaps the most identifiable piece of his legendary look and remains just as crucial to his recognizability as Darth Vader's is to the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Plo Koon’s Lightsabers

Blue, Orange, & Yellow Lightsabers

Plo Koon’s lightsabers are as distinctive as the Jedi Master himself and have come to symbolize different aspects of his character in both Canon and Legends. And if you remember Master Plo different colored sabers at different times, don’t worry! You’re not alone. And you’re also correct.

In Canon, Plo Koon wields a blue lightsaber as first seen in the Battle of Geonosis in Attack of the Clones. Plo Koon’s blue lightsaber is seen continuously throughout The Clone Wars as he battles Separatist forces and is the color most traditionally associated with the Jedi Master.

Jedi Master Plo Koon cloaked in a dark hood, holding an ignited blue lightsaber. His breathing mask and goggles are detailed with intricate patterns, giving him a mysterious and formidable presence. The dim lighting and floating particles in the air enhance the atmospheric depth of the scene.


In Legends, however, Plo Koon’s lightsaber is sometimes depicted as yellow, a color traditionally associated with Jedi Sentinels as seen in the Knights of the Old Republic video game. According to KOTOR lore, this reflects his balanced approach to both combat and intellectual pursuits, emphasizing his wisdom and his ability to solve problems with both his blade and his mind.

Fans of another video game, Jedi Power Battles, might also recognize Plo Koon’s orange lightsaber from the classic Star Wars game where players could take on the role of various Jedi in a more arcade style adventure. While the orange blade is unique to this game and not considered strictly Canon or Legends, it adds another layer of playful intrigue to his weapon’s representation in Star Wars media.

Two depictions of Jedi Master Plo Koon wielding a yellow lightsaber, one from an early video game and the other a more detailed modern interpretation. The left figure features a simplistic design with a bright yellow tunic, while the right shows a darker, more textured Jedi robe. The glowing yellow lightsabers contrast against the dark background, emphasizing Plo Koon’s unique weapon variations in Star Wars Legends.

Lucasfilm Games

This amount of variations over the years have made his lightsaber one of the most sought-after designs in collectibles like LEGO, Black Series figures, and even replicas at places like Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge.

Signature Force Abilities

Plo Koon’s Force Lightning

While there are plenty of interesting Force abilities throughout Star Wars lore, Plo Koon wields perhaps the most fascinating of them all. In Legends, Plo Koon is one of the few Jedi known to use a form of Force lightning called Electric Judgment, a controversial ability even among the Jedi.

Jedi Master Plo Koon using Electric Judgment, a controlled form of Force lightning, against enemy droids while wielding a blue lightsaber. His hooded cloak adds to his imposing presence as sparks fly from his attack. The intense lighting and shattered droids emphasize his power and unique abilities within the Jedi Order.


Unlike the Dark Side’s destructive Force lightning used by Sith Lords like Darth Sidious, Electric Judgment is controlled and used sparingly, often to incapacitate rather than harm by users like Plo Koon, Luke Skywalker, and eventually Jacen Solo. This power demonstrates Plo Koon’s extraordinary control over the Force and his willingness to explore abilities that could be considered unconventional for a Jedi.

Although Electric Judgment is unique to Legends, its inclusion speaks to Plo Koon’s open-mindedness and tactical flexibility. By channeling this ability responsibly, Plo Koon proves that the Force’s power can be wielded in ways that align with Jedi values, even when treading the line between light and dark - a lesson that perhaps could have helped a young Anakin Skywalker were he not handcuffed by the overly strict dogma of the Jedi.

Unique Talents

Plo Koon’s physiology as a Kel Dor also grants him several unique abilities that distinguish him from other Jedi. Thanks to his mask and goggles, he can survive and operate in the vacuum of space, giving him a significant advantage in certain missions that are seen in action throughout The Clone Wars where he was able to lead spaceborne missions without relying on additional external support.

Beyond his physical traits, Plo Koon’s tactical brilliance makes him one of the most respected leaders in the Jedi Order. Whether commanding the Wolfpack directly or strategizing away from the Separatist forces, he consistently demonstrated an ability to outthink his opponents, adapt to rapidly changing circumstances, and provide level headed analysis. This calm demeanor and sharp intellect were invaluable during some of the Republic’s most challenging conflicts throughout his life.

Plo Koon vs. Other Jedi

Comparisons and Fan Theories

No matter how old we get, we can’t help but compare the power of various Jedi Masters. After all, it was in the lightsaber duel arena in Star Wars: Obi-Wan that I first met Plo Koon all those years ago.

Jedi Masters Plo Koon, Yoda, and Mace Windu standing together in their traditional Jedi robes. Plo Koon’s intricate Kel Dor mask and talon-like fingers contrast with Mace Windu’s stern expression and Yoda’s wise, commanding presence. The trio represents the wisdom, strength, and leadership of the Jedi Council.

Lucasfilm/Youtini Illustration

So when considering Plo Koon’s unique abilities and tactical brilliance, it’s always fun to think about how he would stack up against his fellow members of the Jedi Council like Yoda and Mace Windu when it comes to Force abilities, and of course, lightsaber combat.


When comparing Plo Koon vs. Yoda, it’s clear that the two Jedi share a deep connection to the Force, but their strengths manifest very differently. Yoda is widely recognized for his unparalleled wisdom and mastery of all aspects of the Force, while Plo Koon is known for his unconventional powers (remember Electric Judgement?) and his tactical prowess during battles.

Plo Koon’s ability to make tough decisions on the battlefield complements Yoda’s big picture, visionary leadership, presenting an interesting “wisdom vs. tactics” dynamic.

Mace Windu

When it comes to Plo Koon vs. Mace Windu, however, the focus shifts to some epic lightsaber combat. Mace Windu’s mastery of Vaapad, a lightsaber form that channels the user’s inner darkness, makes him a fierce and relentless opponent. Plo Koon, on the other hand, demonstrates a more measured and precise approach to lightsaber combat, relying on his extensive experience and calm demeanor to guide his actions.

While Mace may excel in raw power, Plo Koon’s composure under pressure and strategic thinking make him a formidable rival. Mace may eventually overpower him, but there are many Jedi that would make it an easier fight than Master Plo.

Ahsoka Tano

Finally, comparing Plo Koon vs. Ahsoka Tano places Ahsoka in a similar position to her crucial scene in Star Wars Rebels where she was forced to face off against a former master. Now obviously, Plo Koon didn’t suffer the same fall as Anakin Skywalker, but the special bond of the student-master relationship cannot be ignored.

Moreso than a traditional “who would win” scenario, this matchup raises an intriguing question: how would Ahsoka’s skills and worldview have evolved if Plo Koon had continued as her master? His disciplined and compassionate teaching style might have led her down a different path, emphasizing Jedi tradition over the emotional improvisation favored by Anakin.

Is Plo Koon the Strongest Jedi?

Determining whether Plo Koon is the strongest Jedi depends on how one defines strength when it comes to a Jedi Knight. While he may not match Yoda’s spiritual connection to the Force or Mace Windu’s raw combat skills in a lightsaber gauntlet, Plo Koon embodies a unique balance of power, strategy, and compassion. His singular mastery of Electric Judgment combined with his acknowledged emotional strength when it comes to his compassion for the clones showcase his ability to wield and understand the Force in ways few Jedi dare to explore.

Plo Koon wielding his blue lightsaer ahead of six clone troopers that all belong to his Wolfpack


His wartime experience amongst the Wolfpack also highlights his tactical brilliance against enemy forces and reliability under pressure which cannot be underestimated in this conversation. After all, strength isn’t just about physical ability and the ability to destroy battle droids; it’s about heart, intellect, and integrity—and in these areas, Plo Koon stands among the best.

Debunking Plo Koon’s Role in The Acolyte

Speculations and Theories

Although Plo Koon’s story exists solely in The Prequel Era, you may have seen his name associated with The Acolyte, a live-action series set hundreds of years earlier in The High Republic era.

Well…when images began to circulate of a Kel Dor Jedi in The Acolyte, fan theories began speculating that Plo Koon could make an appearance in the series! And while it may have been tempting to imagine the fan-favorite Jedi appearing in this series, the timeline of The Acolyte predated Plo Koon’s known activities by several centuries which would have been fun but wouldn’t have lined up with previously acknowledged Kel Dor physiology.

Close-up of Ithia Paan from Star Wars: The Acolyte, wearing an ornate breathing mask and goggles. The intricate metal detailing on the mask gives it an aged, ceremonial appearance. An inset image compares the character to Jedi Master Plo Koon, highlighting fan speculation about their connection.


Reveal and Disappointment

When the fourth episode aired, our brief hopes were dashed when it was confirmed that the Kel Dor Jedi in question was not, in fact, Plo Koon, but rather an entirely separate character named Ithia Paan.

Although the character didn’t end up being a significant addition to the series, the initial fervor over the possibility of Plo Koon’s inclusion goes to show how beloved he remains in the Star Wars fandom.

Plo Koon in Star Wars Media

TV & Film

While he may not have appeared in The Acolyte, Plo Koon’s presence in Star Wars media spans across TV shows, films, books, and comics, making him one of the franchise’s most recognizable Jedi. His most significant role obviously comes in The Clone Wars TV series, where he is featured in several major arcs and episodes including "Rising Malevolence" and "The Citadel".

 A collage of Jedi Master Plo Koon across various Star Wars media, including live-action, animation, and video games. The central image highlights his distinctive breathing mask and Kel Dor features, while surrounding images showcase him in battle, piloting a starfighter, and leading clone troopers. The compilation reflects his legacy in The Clone Wars, the Prequel Trilogy, and extended Star Wars lore.


Beyond the animated series, Plo Koon made his first appearances in all three films of the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. While his role in the films is more understated, his presence on the Jedi Council reflects his importance within the Order.

In addition to his appearance in the Geonosis Arena Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, and Kit Fisto in Attack of the Clones, his most impactful onscreen moment in unquestionably his death at the hands of his own starfighter squadron in Revenge of the Sith.

Books & Comics

In the world of Star Wars books, Plo Koon is featured relatively sparingly in both Canon and Legends material. Most recently, he played a role in the Canon novel The Living Force, where he was instrumental in the completion of an off-world mission alongside his fellow Jedi Council members.

Book cover for The Living Force by John Jackson Miller featuring Yoda, Mace Windu, Depa Billaba, Plo Koon, Eeth Koth, Yarael Poof, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and more

Penguin Random House

In Legends, Plo Koon’s role in the Clone Wars is expanded even further - particularly in the Dark Horse Star Wars Republic comics run. Details of specific missions and additional battlefield exploits are given time to expand throughout the Legends timeline, but due to his untimely death, the vast majority of his stories are contained within the galactic conflict

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Plo Koon wear goggles?

Plo Koon wears goggles to protect his sensitive eyes from oxygen-rich atmospheres, which can be harmful to his physiology. His home planet of Dorin has a unique atmosphere composed of helium and Dorin gas, and his goggles, combined with his breathing mask, allow him to survive off-world.

Is Plo Koon alive?

In Episode III, Plo Koon is killed during Order 66, when clone troopers shoot down his starfighter over Cato Neimoidia. However, some fan theories speculate that he might have survived the crash, citing his connection to the Force and the resilience of the Kel Dor.

Who voiced Plo Koon in The Clone Wars?

Plo Koon is voiced by James Arnold Taylor, who also provided the voice for Obi-Wan Kenobi in the series.

What is Plo Koon’s midichlorian count?

While there is no official record of Plo Koon’s midichlorian count, it’s clear from his abilities and status as a Jedi Master that he had a strong connection to the Force. His use of unique techniques like Electric Judgment and his place on the Jedi Council suggest he was among the more powerful Jedi of his time.

What role did Plo Koon play in the discovery of the Wolfpack?

Plo Koon was instrumental in forming and leading the 104th Battalion, also known as the Wolfpack. His bond with these clone troopers went beyond mere command; he treated them as individuals and earned their unwavering loyalty.

Why was Plo Koon known as a “compassionate warrior”?

Plo Koon’s compassion extended to everyone he worked with, from his fellow Jedi to the clone troopers he led. He believed in valuing all life, as shown in his famous line to his Wolfpack: “Not to me.” His ability to balance empathy with tactical brilliance earned him the title of “compassionate warrior,” making him a model of what the Jedi Order stood for.

What would have happened if Plo Koon survived Order 66?

Had Plo Koon survived Order 66, it’s possible he would have played a critical role in the formation of the Rebel Alliance or The Hidden Path that helped usher fellow survivors through the galaxy. His leadership skills, tactical mind, and connections with other survivors like Obi-Wan Kenobi could have made him a key figure in the fight against the Empire.

What made Plo Koon’s Force abilities unique compared to other Jedi?

In Legends, Plo Koon was one of the few Jedi to use Electric Judgment, a controlled and non-lethal form of Force lightning. This power highlighted his mastery of the Force and his willingness to explore unconventional techniques while staying true to Jedi principles. His keen senses, enhanced by his Kel Dor physiology, also gave him an edge in both combat and reconnaissance.

How did Plo Koon contribute to the Council’s decisions?

As a member of the Council, Plo Koon brought a voice of reason and compassion to their deliberations. He often advocated for peaceful solutions and prioritized the welfare of the galaxy’s citizens. His level-headedness and integrity made him a respected figure among his peers, and his perspective was crucial during the turbulent galactic conflict.

Essential Reading and Viewing

To explore Plo Koon’s story further, here’s a curated list of Canon and Legends material featuring the Jedi Master:



Malevolence Arc

Key Highlights:
Plo Koon leads the Republic’s efforts against General Grievous’s superweapon, the Malevolence, showcasing his tactical brilliance and deep bond with the Wolfpack.

The Citadel Arc

Key Highlights:
Plo Koon contributes to a daring mission to rescue Jedi Master Even Piell and recover vital Republic information from the Citadel, a heavily fortified Separatist prison.

Ahsoka’s Trial Arc

Key Highlights:
Plo Koon is heavily involved in the Jedi Council’s investigation into the bombing of the Jedi Temple and Ahsoka Tano’s subsequent trial. His loyalty to Ahsoka is evident, even as tensions rise.

Order 66 Arc

Key Highlights:
Plo Koon appears during the Jedi Council’s efforts to uncover the mystery of the clone inhibitor chips, a crucial precursor to the events of Order 66.

The Lost Missions Arc

Key Highlights:
Plo Koon leads the investigation into the death of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, unraveling key details about the creation of the clone army and the Sith’s machinations.






Merchandise Guide

Plo Koon’s popularity has provided a number of phenomenal collectibles over the years. Unfortunately, because a large majority of figures and LEGO sets were created around the original releases of the Prequel Trilogy, many of them are currently out of official production and can only be found on the secondary market.

However, there are some recent releases tailored towards fans that grew up with Master Plo that are well worth it for any collector like the Black Series figure showcasing his Prequel look that was released back in 2020.

Side-by-side comparison of two Plo Koon collectibles: a highly detailed action Black Series figure on the left and a LEGO minifigure on the right. The action figure features intricate facial sculpting, fabric Jedi robes, and an outstretched hand, while the LEGO version showcases a simplified design with a molded headpiece and a blue lightsaber. Both figures highlight Plo Koon’s iconic look in different collectible formats.


For those that want to be a bit clearer about their love for the Jedi General, there are currently two premier figures of Plo Koon in production. Gentle Giant’s statue presents a static image of Plo Koon crouched in a battle-ready stance while wielding his saber. Fans of his animated design will note the gauntlets on his forearms as an added nod to his battlefield antics.

Sideshow Collectibles, on the other hand, has an astonishingly detailed premier figure available for pre-order that is expected to release later this year. With countless ways to display and accessorize the figure, this is probably the highest level collectible for any superfan of Master Plo.

Finally, Plo Koon’s lightsaber is available from a number of different sources from the officially licensed replica from Disney’s Legacy Lightsaber collection to other inspired designs from places like UltraSabers.

A high-quality replica of Plo Koon’s Legacy Lightsaber hilt displayed inside a sleek, black storage case with a blue Jedi Order emblem on the lid. The hilt features a polished silver design with blue and black accents, along with red and black activation buttons. The case is lined with soft black fabric, enhancing the collectible presentation.

Disney Store

No matter what level of Plo Koon fandom you wish to display in your everyday life, there’s something to fit every desk, display, or wall.


Over 25 years after his first onscreen appearance, Plo Koon remains a shining example of what it means to be a Jedi. His compassion, wisdom, and battlefield prowess have earned him a place in the hearts of Star Wars fans worldwide. From his iconic moments in The Clone Wars to his tragic death at the hands of his own troops to his vastly different appearance in some of our most nostalgic Star Wars video games, Plo Koon’s legacy continues to inspire generations of fans and will continue to do so for years to come.

Eric Eilersen is a Senior Writer at Youtini and co-host of The Youtini Show. He loves collecting Star Wars Funkos, lightsabers, and LEGO as well as playing video games, reading Brandon Sanderson novels, watching the Dallas Cowboys, and spending time with his partner and pets. You can follow him at @EricEilersen.





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