Rey & Leia Discuss Ben's Redemption in our First Excerpt from Resistance Reborn!
In our first look at Resistance Reborn, Rey & Leia discuss Ben's possible redemption, Poe's latest success, & the future of the Resistance.
Sep 30, 2019
Less than three months stand between us and the release of The Rise of Skywalker, and the anticipation level within the Star Wars community has never been higher!

This ravenous excitement is thanks in no small part to the phenomenal amount of Star Wars content that we’ll be receiving before the film’s release. The Mandalorian, Jedi: Fallen Order, The Force Collector, and of course…
Rebecca Roanhorse’s Resistance Reborn. has released our first excerpt from the upcoming novel featuring a weary General Leia Organa and an inquisitive Rey who just happens to bring the perfect cup of tea. The events of The Last Jedi weigh heavily on Leia, and throughout the pair’s conversation, they tackle the ideas of Ben’s redemption, the successes of Poe’s new mission with Black Squadron, and the future of the Resistance.
You can read the full excerpt HERE.
Some of our favorite takeaways:
Rey’s face fell, and Leia could see the pain etched there. The girl cared about Ben, and he had disappointed her. “Ben has made his choices,” Leia said. "And I don’t know if that is what he wants.”
Jess and Suralinda from the Poe Dameron comic series are mentioned by name as Poe updates Leia about Black Squadron.
Rey props Leia up by reminding her that every single victory is still worthwhile even though it may not feel like much; an interesting dynamic for their relationship.
Rey is still taking care of the Falcon, and Leia thanks her for “...taking such good care of Han’s ship.”
Leia is still recruiting all of the allies that she can...and this is only the beginning.
Resistance Reborn will be released on November 5th, and you can help out Youtini by pre-ordering your copy on Amazon!
Eric Eilersen is a Senior Writer at Youtini and co-host of The Youtini Show. He loves collecting Star Wars Funkos, lightsabers, and LEGO as well as playing video games, reading Brandon Sanderson novels, watching the Dallas Cowboys, and spending time with his partner and pets. You can follow him at @EricEilersen.