8 Best 'Rogue One' Moments to Celebrate 8 Years!
Celebrating 8 of the best moments in Rogue One on the 8th anniversary of its release!
Dec 16, 2024
Lucasfilm/Youtini Illustration
Back in 2016, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story premiered as the first non-Skywalker Star Wars film and gave us some of the best moments in the franchise - here’s 8 of our favorites.
8. The Destruction of Jedha
The destruction of Alderaan is the moment when A New Hope reveals the true might of the Empire, and the result is absolutely devastating. Obi-Wan’s reaction to millions of souls crying out lingers all these decades later, and by testing the Death Star’s destructive potential on Jedha, Rogue One evokes that emotion perfectly. After years without seeing the brutality of Palpatines’ forces onscreen, this moment reminded us the lengths that the Empire is willing to go to inspire fear.

7. Welcome Back to Yavin 4
Yavin 4 is one of the most legendary settings in all of Star Wars, and it was the place that really introduced us all to the Rebellion for the first time. Rogue One does an admirable job of presenting impactful nostalgia throughout the film, but landing back on the moon that started it all hits in a way that is almost indescribably special – a moment that is truly welcoming us back home all over again.

6. Choking on Aspirations
Orson Krennic is a fantastic villain, and his portrayal by Ben Mendelsohn is amongst the best in the franchise…but he’s no match for the original Dark Lord. The scene of Krennic being dressed down by Vader is iconic for several reasons ranging from the magnificent shadow on the wall to Vader’s trademark point, but possibly the greatest moment is the final line before the Sith Lord exits – one last pun to show that perhaps the soul of Anakin Skywalker is somewhere deep inside the machine, after all.

5. “Everything I did, I did for the Rebellion”
Assembling a team for a final mission is a highlight of any adventure film, but in Rogue One, before the team heads off to Scarif, the moment is made all the more special by Cassian’s explanation for the crew’s involvement. This is not a group of honorable soldiers, but spies, saboteurs, and assassins who all want their dark deeds to mean something good for the rest of the galaxy. The spirit of Rogue One in a single speech.

4. The Rebellion Arrives at Scarif
Honestly, the entire Battle of Scarif could have made up this list, but when the X-Wings exit hyperspace above the planet, and the scale of the final attack is revealed, it’s impossible for any fan not to get chills. There are many phenomenal space battles in Star Wars history, but this moment informs you that you are about to witness the best one of all.

3. K2SO’s Sacrifice
Rogue One’s willingness to sacrifice its main cast remains one of the boldest creative decisions in the Star Wars franchise, and although each death carries vast emotional weight, there’s something about K2SO’s sacrifice that sits above the rest. Despite his initial misgivings about Jyn Erso and the rest of the crew, there is no question in his mind that he will put their lives above his own, because they are not only his fellow operatives – they are his friends. And if you somehow want this moment to hit even harder, be sure to read Alexander Freed’s Rogue One Novelization which dictates the droid’s final moments from his own point of view.

2. “I am one with the Force and the Force is with me”
Chirrut Îmwe’s mantra is one of the most recognizable trademarks in all of Rogue One, and over the years, it’s made its way into multiple other projects. But the moment when he embraces its philosophy to the fullest and walks calmly into blaster fire is one of the most powerful moments the film has to offer; a moment made only more powerful by Baze’s imminent repetition of the phrase as he holds him in a final embrace.

1. Darth Vader’s Hallway Massacre
There are some moments that simply need no further explanation. Even though this moment almost never occurred in the final film, Darth Vader’s brutal massacre in Rogue One’s final minutes remains one of the most memorable scenes in all of Star Wars. This is the Darth Vader of legend and lore – the boogeyman feared by the entire Rebellion. As he walks calmly and confidently through a sea of terrified Rebels, the gravity of his presence is fully revealed, and the beginning of A New Hope is changed forever. Iconic doesn’t even come close to describing it.

And there we have it! 8 moments for 8 years of Rogue One. If this anniversary makes you want even more Rogue, then you’re in luck, because next year is bringing us Andor: A Star Wars Story Season 2 with even more characters returning from the film as we witness Cassian’s journey leading up to his first scene on the Ring of Kafrene!
Rogue One is available now and Andor Season 2 will be premiering on April 22nd only on Disney+!

Eric Eilersen is a Senior Writer at Youtini and co-host of The Youtini Show. He loves collecting Star Wars Funkos, lightsabers, and LEGO as well as playing video games, reading Brandon Sanderson novels, watching the Dallas Cowboys, and spending time with his partner and pets. You can follow him at @EricEilersen.