
Thrawn Trilogy (Legends)

Timothy Zahn
Artwork by
Heir to the Empire
Dark Force Rising
The Last Command
The Last Command (The Essential Legends Collection)
Dark Force Rising (The Essential Legends Collection)
Heir to the Empire (The Essential Legends Collection)
The Thrawn Trilogy Boxed Set
Heir to the Empire
Dark Force Rising
The Last Command
The Last Command (The Essential Legends Collection)
Dark Force Rising (The Essential Legends Collection)
Heir to the Empire (The Essential Legends Collection)
The Thrawn Trilogy Boxed Set
Heir to the Empire
Dark Force Rising
The Last Command
The Last Command (The Essential Legends Collection)
Dark Force Rising (The Essential Legends Collection)
Heir to the Empire (The Essential Legends Collection)
The Thrawn Trilogy Boxed Set
This Series takes place in the
New Republic
Community Rating
In this cornerstone of the EU, author Timothy Zahn crafts a compelling story featuring an iconic new villain in Grand Admiral Thrawn. The red-eyed, blue-skinned Chiss commander is the consummate tactician whose military prowess and attention to detail make him at times seem utterly infallible. Luke and the rest of the team must to find a way to overcome this new threat whose sheer intellect is every bit as formidable as the recently fallen Emperor’s Force abilities.

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