Star Wars Lost Stars Manga, created by Yusaku Komiyama, is a thrilling adaptation of the bestselling novel by Claudia Gray. Set against the backdrop of the iconic Star Wars universe, the series follows the story of two childhood friends, Thane Kyrell and Ciena Ree, who join the Imperial Academy and rise through the ranks of the Empire. As they become more deeply involved in the machinations of the Imperial war machine, Thane and Ciena begin to question the morality of their actions and the true motives of their superiors. Against the backdrop of epic battles and daring space missions, the two friends find themselves on opposite sides of the conflict, testing their loyalty to each other and their beliefs. The series offers a fresh and unique perspective on the events of the original Star Wars trilogy, with new characters and subplots that flesh out the universe and expand on the lore. With stunning artwork, engaging characters, and a gripping storyline, Star Wars Lost Stars Manga is a must-read for fans of the Star Wars franchise and anyone who loves epic space operas and tales of adventure and heroism.
Single Issue Comics in this Series
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