The Captain Phasma mini-series from Marvel Comics is a thrilling journey into the backstory of one of the most enigmatic characters from the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Set shortly after the events of The Force Awakens, the story follows Captain Phasma as she seeks to redeem herself in the eyes of the First Order after her defeat at the hands of Finn and Han Solo. As she embarks on a dangerous mission to retrieve a device that could reveal secrets about the First Order's leadership, she must confront her own past and the decisions that brought her to this point. With stunning artwork, epic action scenes, and a deep dive into the psychology of one of the Star Wars universe's most complex characters, the Captain Phasma mini-series is a must-read for fans of the franchise. Featuring appearances from classic characters like General Hux, as well as exciting new additions to the canon, this series is a thrilling addition to the Star Wars universe. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the galaxy far, far away, the Captain Phasma mini-series is sure to leave you wanting more.
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