Star Wars: The High Republic Characters Revealed!
Star Wars: The High Republic characters revealed for the first time at!
Apr 3, 2020
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It’s almost impossible to think that we heard about The High Republic over a month ago! Somehow, time feels like it’s gone both faster and slower since that landmark announcement, but either way, we’ve been chomping at the bit for more news about our upcoming favorite era.
And has delivered.
Last night, we were gifted with some first looks at some of the major players that we’ll see in the upcoming High Republic books and comics releasing later this year. This article included quotes about the era from the Lucasfilm Creative Director Michael Siglain and writer extraordinaire Cavan Scott as well as some concept art for a bunch of new characters!
You can read the full article over at HERE, but for now, here are some of our favorite highlights!

“Avar is the brightest, most noble example of Jedi-hood. She always tries to see the good in people and situations, and never puts herself first. She is invigorated about life on the frontier and the challenges it brings, and is an inspiration for those who work with her. She is compassionate, not dogmatic, and always ready to sacrifice herself over others. Avar Kriss is the best of the best.”
The first Jedi protagonist in the High Republic is a kickass woman who exemplifies everything that’s right about the Jedi Order by combining the best parts about Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Anakin? Sign me up!
Check out Avar Kriss in LIGHT OF THE JEDI by Charles Soule on August 25th. Pre-Order HERE.

"Loden is a Twi’lek Jedi Master, and is considered to be one of the best teachers in the Jedi Order. Strong and wise, with a good sense of humor, Loden looks at every moment as a learning experience, always trying to better himself and those around him, especially his Padawans.”
Not only does he possess the coolest name in the history of the Jedi Order while wielding a magnificent golden saber, but Greatstorm also evidently holds the rarest of all Jedi traits: a sense of humor. I can’t imagine a world where I don’t completely adore this guy.
Experience Greatstorm’s wisdom for yourself in LIGHT OF THE JEDI by Charles Soule on August 25th. Pre-Order HERE.

“Keeve is a young firebrand Jedi, believed to have a great future ahead of her, if only she would believe it herself. Quick-witted and more impulsive than she should be, Keeve has only been a Jedi Knight for a few weeks and is a little starstruck around Avar, knowing many of the great things Kriss has done in the past. She is determined to prove herself to Avar and the other legendary Jedi stationed on Starlight Beacon, but first she must learn to trust in herself as much as she trusts the Force.”
Although we still don’t have confirmation that Keeve Trennis is indeed the same Trennis mentioned in Cavan Scott’s Dooku: Jedi Lost, this young Jedi sounds like a perfect burst of energy to kick off Scott's High Republic comic series. Her design is fierce, her lightsaber is dope, and if she’s destined to become one of the Lost Twenty, how lucky are we to witness her first steps down that path?
Witness the start of Keeve Trennis’s journey in STAR WARS: THE HIGH REPUBLIC by Cavan Scott later this year!

“Stellan is an optimistic and well-respected Jedi Master. Stellan came up through the Order with Avar Kriss, and although they are often on different assignments for the Jedi or the Republic, when the two work together they are a powerhouse team of two noble heroes in action. Strong in the Force and a natural teacher, Stellan is currently stationed at one of the Jedi Temple outposts on the distant planet of Caragon-Viner.”
You think they were serious about that Knights of the Round Table imagery before?! Stellan Gios looks like he stepped straight out of Arthurian legend, and I couldn’t be more excited. Let’s hope that he’s able to reunite with Avar Kriss for some epic team-ups, but in the meantime, I’ll be obsessively tracking reproductions of his soon-to-be-iconic lightsaber. AND he’s left-handed?! Brilliant.
Jedi Master Stellan Gios will be featured in the upcoming books and comics of The High Republic Era. Stay tuned for his specific titles later in the year!

“Vern is a newly-minted Jedi Knight. Vernestra, Mirialan, was Padawan to Stellan Gios. She works hard and is devoted to the Jedi Order, more so than most others her age. At sixteen she is one of the youngest Knights in a generation. She struggles to fit in with the adults while also setting a good example for the younger Jedi.”
The youngest Jedi Knight in a generation?! No pressure there, right? Vern Rwoh promises to be not only a thrilling protagonist, but also a wonderful role model to thousands of younger readers who will discover the High Republic through her eyes. And another lefty?! How lucky can I be?
Vern’s adventures begin in Justina Ireland’s A TEST OF COURAGE on September 8th. Pre-Order HERE!
Stay tuned to Youtini for all your upcoming news about The High Republic! Until then, check out:
The High Republic: Light of the Jedi Book Profile
The High Republic: Into the Dark Book Profile
The High Republic: A Test of Courage Book Profile
Eric Eilersen is a Senior Writer at Youtini and co-host of The Youtini Show. He loves collecting Star Wars Funkos, lightsabers, and LEGO as well as playing video games, reading Brandon Sanderson novels, watching the Dallas Cowboys, and spending time with his partner and pets. You can follow him at @EricEilersen.