
Single Issue Comic

The High Republic (2022) #06

The High Republic (2022) #06: The Battle of Jedha Continues!

The sixth issue of the Marvel comic book series Star Wars: The High Republic (2022) from Phase 2 of The High Republic

As Tey Sirrek defends the Temple of the Kyber, Vildar Mac is buried alive, with only his belief in the Force to keep him alive.

But Vildar is a Jedi beset by doubts, a man scarred by a past he should've forgotten years ago.

Who can come to his aid as the Holy City tears itself apart? The Force is with Vildar, but is he one with the Force?


Cavan Scott


Ario Anindito


Marvel Comics The High Republic (2022) Series


382 BBY

(Concurrent to "The Battle Of Jedha")


High Republic


Mar 8, 2023

Available at

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