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The Clone Wars: Warriors Of The Deep

The Clone Wars: Warriors of the Deep is a novel written by Rob Valois released in 2011 based on The Clone Wars: Season Four episodes "Water War", "Gungan Attack" and "Prisoners".


Rob Valois


Clone Wars Animated Show Legends Tie-In Novels


20 BBY

(Legends adaptation of "The Clone Wars" S4E01, 02,03)


Clone Wars


Oct 27, 2011

Available at

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Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.

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