
Graphic Novel

The Clone Wars: Shipyards of Doom

Still a fresh-off-the-transport Padawan, Ahsoka becomes an integral part of Anakin and Obi Wan’s plot to destroy a Separatist shipyard. Is she up for the task? Does she really have a choice? For more stories set in-between episodes of The Clone Wars, check out all eleven issues of this incredible graphic novella series.


Henry Gilroy


Matt Fillbach, Shawn Fillbach


Dark Horse Comics Clone Wars Digests Series


22 BBY


Clone Wars


Sep 24, 2008

Available at

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Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.

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