
Single Issue Comic

The Clone Wars #07: In Service of the Republic, Part 1

The Clone Wars 7: In Service of the Republic, Part 1 is the first issue of the In Service of the Republic story arc of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars comic series.

In the first part of a three-issue story, the Republic's air superiority on the world of Khorm is rendered moot by storms of unnatural origin. Grounded, Jedi Kit Fisto and Plo Koon plan a daring assault mission with a squad of tougher-than-nails Republic Commandos. But if going up against determined and dug-in Separatist forces wasn't enough, the Jedi must also contend with a glory-seeking young Republic officer in their midst, Captain Kendal Ozzel.


Henry Gilroy, Steven Melching


Scott Hepburn


Dark Horse Comics The Clone Wars Series


22 BBY


Clone Wars


Jul 15, 2009

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