
Adult Novel


The third entry in the Legacy of the Force series revolves around the planet Hapes and Jacen's lover, Jedi and Queen Mother Tenel Ka. Because of her loyalty to Jacen, she has sided with the Alliance against Corellia. But she faces opposition from within as the cutthroat political rivals on Hapes hire bounty hunters to eliminate her. Han and Leia go to Hapes to reason with Tenel Ka, unknowingly stepping into a flashfire that will incurr the wrath of Jacen, who blames them for the upheaval.

Troy Denning seizes the opportunity to weave deranged Dark Jedi Alema Rarr into the plot. She looks to assassinate Jacen, but is secretly sought after by Jagged Fel, who is exiled by the Chiss.


Troy Denning


Legacy of the Force Series


40 ABY




Nov 28, 2006



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Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.

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