
Graphic Novel

Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith

A Jedi named Exar Kun gets a little over-competitive and eager for forbidden knowledge, poses as a Jedi archaeologist and is overcome by the spirit of none other than the ancient Sith Lord Freedon Nadd. Exar Kun gets delusions of grandeur, sets up a Sith empire on Yavin IV, enslaves the Massassi natives, and goes to war with Ulic Qel Droma. Ulic gets the great idea that the only way to defeat the Sith is by joining them. . This volume follows Tales of the Jedi: Knights of the Old Republic.


Tom Vietch, Kevin Anderson


Chris Gossett, Art Wetherell


Dark Horse Comics Tales Of The Jedi Series


3997 BBY


Old Republic


Feb 6, 1996

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