
Graphic Novel

Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising

Jedi Master Arca tries to relocate Freedon Nadd’s sarcophagus to Dxun, but it is captured by Nadd’s dark disciples. We learn that Princess Galia’s father, King Omin, isn’t dead after all, but is being kept alive unnaturally by the spirit of Freedon Nadd. He easily defeats the Jedi and captures Master Arca. Nadd plans to do the good-ole Sith essence transfer into a powerful Jedi body to have UNLIMITED POWER. Jedi reinforcements arrive, including new Jedi heroine Nomi Sunrider, who must help free Arca, defeat Omin, and restore peace to Onderon.


Tom Vietch


Tony Akins


Dark Horse Comics Tales Of The Jedi Series


3998 BBY


Old Republic


Dec 17, 1997

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