Adult Novel
Set in the aftermath of the events of the Fate of the Jedi series, "Riptide" follows former Sith Lord Jaden Korr as he struggles to come to terms with his dark past and forge a new path as a Jedi. When Jaden receives a distress call from a remote planet, he and his fellow Jedi, Valin Horn and Marr Idi-Shael, rush to answer the call and investigate a mysterious and powerful disturbance in the Force.
As Jaden and his companions arrive on the planet, they uncover a deadly plot that could have far-reaching consequences for the galaxy. With new adversaries on their trail and old enemies seeking revenge, Jaden and his fellow Jedi must race against time to unravel the truth behind the disturbance and stop a dangerous threat from unleashing chaos across the galaxy.
But Jaden's journey is not just about battling external foes. He must also confront his own inner demons, wrestle with his temptations to succumb to the dark side, and find redemption in the face of past mistakes. Along the way, he encounters new allies, faces unexpected challenges, and makes heart-wrenching decisions that will shape his destiny and the fate of the galaxy.
Paul S. Kemp
Legends Standalone Novels
41 ABY
Oct 25, 2011
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