Single Issue Comic
Republic #28: The Hunt for Aurra Sing, Part 1
The Hunt for Aurra Sing, Part 1 is the twenty-eighth issue in the Star Wars: Republic series of comics. It was published on March 28, 2001 by Dark Horse Comics.
Get ready for some electrifying lightsaber battle action! Aurra Sing arrives on Coruscant with a mean streak, killing Jedi within the very shadows of the Temple. The Jedi Council must now decide how to deal with the infamous bounty hunter. Several Jedi Knights volunteer for the honor of bringing Sing to justice. But do they want justice or vengeance? It's going to take more than a grudge to bring down an assassin with a reputation for killing Jedi
Timothy Truman
Davide Fabbri
Dark Horse Comics Republic Series
30 BBY
Rise of the Sith
Mar 28, 2001
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