

Legends Epic Collection: Tales of the Jedi Vol. 3

Legends Epic Collection: Tales of the Jedi Vol. 3

This is the final Epic Collection trade paperback focused in the Tales of the Jedi series.

The early adventures of the Jedi order conclude!

Almost 4000 years before Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope, a young Jedi named Exar Kun steals his master's holocron, intent on learning the secrets of the Sith — and takes on Jedi Knight Ulic Qel-Droma as his apprentice! Will this dark knowledge corrupt them and turn them into Sith as well? Only the Jedi Nomi Sunrider may have the answer to their fates — and whether they face doom or redemption in the Force! As war turns Jedi against Jedi, who will survive…and who will be lost to history?


  • Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith #1-6

  • Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War #1-6

  • Tales of the Jedi: Redemption #1-5

  • Shadows and Light: Star Wars Tales #23

  • Material from Dark Horse Comics #7-9


Various Authors




Epic Collection


3997 BBY - 3986 BBY

(See book profile for contents list)


Old Republic


Jul 11, 2023

Available at

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