
Single Issue Comic

Knights of the Old Republic #23: Knights of Suffering, Part 2

Fugitive Padawan'Zayne Carrick'left'Taris'vowing to catch his'murderous Masters'before they caught him. Now, he's returned, only to find the planet under siege by'Mandalorian'invaders. And there's someone else waiting for him...Someone who's about to turn the tables on all his plans! Nearly alone in a war zone, Zayne is surrounded by enemies. Some want him brought to justice. Others want the bounty on his head. And the Mandalorians just want the whole planet! And when even friends become enemies, he finds himself at the mercy of someone who has no mercy- one of his former Masters!


John Jackson Miller


Dustin Weaver


Knights of the Old Republic Comic Series


3963 BBY


Old Republic


Nov 28, 2007

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