Single Issue Comic
Knights of the Old Republic #19: Daze of Hate, Part 1
Lord Adasca, head of the massive corporation'Adascorp, has set in motion a series of events that will change the face of the war between the Republic and the Mandalorians. He has arranged a meeting aboard his flagship the Arkanian Legacy, and as each invitee arrives, the nature of his game and its stakes for the galaxy are revealed. Elsewhere on the ship, the elderly Camper and his young protector Jarael remained separated, each growing more concerned about the fate of the other. What are Lord Adasca's plans for them? If only their friend, fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick, would show up to work some of his Jedi magic!
John Jackson Miller
Bong Dazo
Knights of the Old Republic Comic Series
3963 BBY
Old Republic
Aug 22, 2007