
Single Issue Comic

Knights of the Old Republic #16: Nights of Anger, Part 1

When'Camper, the senile owner of the'Last Resort, falls frighteningly ill, his young protector'Jarael'will risk everything to try and save him, even if that means seeking a cure on'Arkania, a homeworld she has never seen, where genetic "offshoots" like her and Camper are despised, even criminalized. Yet, once on Arkania, Jarael's troubles will run more than skin deep, for if her intentions are revealed, powerful forces that have been hunting Camper for years will stop at nothing to reclaim the elderly refugee, and the terrible secret he carries within him!


John Jackson Miller


Brian Ching


Knights of the Old Republic Comic Series


3963 BBY


Old Republic


May 2, 2007

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