
Single Issue Comic

Knights of the Old Republic #10: Flashpoint, Part 3

The'Flashpoint'storyline'reaches its explosive conclusion as fugitive Padawan'Zayne Carrick'and his unlikely shipmates from the'Last Resort undertake their most dangerous mission yet- traveling deep inside Mandalorian'space to rescue'one of their own! With a little help from the most unexpected of allies, Zayne and the gang must find an'isolated space outpost, once a Republic research station, now in the hands of a Mandalorian'scientist'with wholly evil intentions. To think they can pull this off with both themselves and their friend intact, they'd have to be insane...luckily they are!


John Jackson Miller


Dustin Weaver


Knights of the Old Republic Comic Series


3963 BBY


Old Republic


Nov 22, 2006

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