
Single Issue Comic

Knights of the Old Republic #08: Flashpoint, Part 2

The'Mandalorians'have captured'one'of fugitive'Padawan'Zayne Carrick's faithful companions, which means one thing...a rescue mission deep behind enemy lines! Above the mining world of'Vanquo,'Republic'and Mandalorian'starfighters'battle, while down on the surface, the motley crew of'The Last Resort'become stowaways on their own ship, piloted by an unknown thief. Even if they regain control of the ship in time to pursue their friend's abductors, how will they ever make it past the Republic and Mandalorian armadas, both of which want them dead! Forget about'the Force, what these four need is some cold, hard luck!


John Jackson Miller


Dustin Weaver


Knights of the Old Republic Comic Series


3964 BBY


Old Republic


Sep 20, 2006

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