
Graphic Novel

Dawn of the Jedi Volume 3: Force War

In the epic finale of John Ostrander’s series, the Rakata invade the Tython system in their tireless quest to find and enslave Force-sensitive beings to fuel their conquest of the galaxy. The Je’daii Order, progenitors of the legendary Jedi Knights, rise to the challenge and defend their home as they have over the past ten millennia. But in order to defeat these powerful enemies, the Je’daii draw on weapons and techniques that draw heavily on the dark side of the Force and sacrifice the balance they worked so hard to cultivate over the generations. With the help of the Force and the mysterious ships that brought their ancestors to Tython, the Je’daii succeed in driving off the foe. But in the aftermath of the battle one group of Je’daii refuse to renounce to renounce the dark side weapons and powers, setting the stage for conflict between light and dark side Force users that would dominate the galaxy for over a thousand generations.


John Ostrander


Jan Duursema, Dan Parsons, Michael Heisler, Wes Dzioba, David Michael Beck


Dawn of the Jedi Series


25,792 BBY

(collects issues #11-15)


Old Republic


Jun 24, 2014

Available at

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