
Graphic Novel

Dawn of the Jedi Volume 1: Force Storm

In this first installment of the Dawn of the Jedi series, John Ostrander takes us back to a time before lightsabers, before the Jedi and Sith. An earlier order, the Je’daii, have spent 10,000 years studying the Force on the planet Tython and keeping the peace in the surrounding system. Learning that the Force-sensitive world reacts violently to imbalances in the Force, the Order’s philosophy focuses on balancing the light and dark sides. A mysterious visitor changes all that when he crashes on Tython during a mission to find Force-rich worlds, and populations, for the Rakata Infinite Empire. The Je’daii successfully subdue the storms and find the strange Force-wielder, but their challenges are only beginning.


John Ostrander


Jan Duursema, Dan Parsons, Michael Heisler, Wes Dzioba, Gonzalo Flores


Dawn of the Jedi Series


25,793 BBY

(collects issues #0-5)


Old Republic


Dec 18, 2012

Available at

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