
Adult Novel

Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void (The Essential Legends Collection)

“For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justices in the Old Republic.” A thousand generations is a long time, and in Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void, Tim Lebbon takes us all the way back—more than 25,000 years before the events we see on the big screen. Before the Skywalkers, before lightsabers. Even before the Jedi Order as we know it. Instead, on the Force-rich planet Tython, we find the Je’daii Order. We meet young Lanoree Brock, one of the Order’s Rangers who keep the peace throughout the system. But a threat looms, as a group of fanatics pursues a project that threatens to unleash an interplanetary cataclysm. Much to her surprise, the Je’daii council tasks Brock to stop the group and its leader, who turns out to be the very brother she had long presumed dead.


Tim Lebbon


The Essential Legends Collection Series


25,802 BBY - 25,793 BBY


Old Republic


May 23, 2023

Available at

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