Graphic Novel
Dark Times Volume 1: The Path To Nowhere
These are dark times indeed, when even the noblest of undertakings must rely on stealth, deception, and possibly the betrayal and abandonment of friends and loved ones. Jedi Dass Jennir and his companion Bomo Greenbark survived the Clone Wars, but the fate of Bomo's wife and daughter remains a mystery. The two friends are determined to find them, but their path leads them from danger to darkness - where each of them stands to lose more than they may hope to gain. Meanwhile, Darth Vader must deal with some unpleasant realities - and memories - of his own. Though he is a Dark Lord of the Sith, even he must bow before the power of the Emperor.
Mick Harrison
Doug Wheatley
Dark Horse Comics Dark Times Series
19 BBY
Reign of the Empire
Jan 9, 2008
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