
Adult Novel

Dark Tide II: Ruin

The second installment in the Dark Tide duology sees various attempts to stop the Yuuzhan Vong: Caamasi Senator Elegos A’Kla seeks peace through diplomatic negotiations, Corran Horn investigates a spore native to the planet of Ithor capable of weakening the Vong’s crab armor, while Jaina Solo makes a military alliance with Jagged Fel and the Chiss Defense Force, as well as Gilad Pellaeon and the Imperial Remnant. The Vong unleash a planet-annihilating force of destruction upon the peaceful planet of Ithor. To save it, Corran Horn must challenge Shedao Shai into an honor-duel upon which the fate of an entire planet hinges.


Michael A. Stackpole


New Jedi Order Series


25 ABY


New Jedi Order


Jun 6, 2000



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