
Graphic Novel

Clone Wars Volume 1: The Defense of Kamino

For 25 years, fans have wondered about the Clone Wars. With the release of Episode II, audiences witnessed the events that started that epic conflict. Starting this year, LucasBooks is chronicling these historic events through comics, adult novels, middle grade fiction, audio books, short stories, and more - revealing the all-important events that occur between Episodes II and III in preparation for the latter's release in 2005. This volume collects the first issues of Dark Horse's ongoing Star Wars: Republic comic book that chronicle the Clone Wars, starting with issue #50.


John Ostrander, W. Haden Blackman, Scott Allie


Jan Duursema, Stephen Thompson, Tomas Giorello


Dark Horse Comics Republic Series


22 BBY

(1-3 months after "Attack of the Clones")


Clone Wars


Jul 9, 2003

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