R2-D2 and C-3P0
Explore the best R2-D2 & C-3P0 Star Wars books and comics! Dive into their iconic adventures, witty banter, and pivotal roles in the galaxy. Read now!
R2-D2 and C-3P0
Who would have thought that a foul-mouthed and mischievous astromech and a prim and proper translator droid would be the best of friends? Yeah, R2 and C-3P0 may squabble but they always have each other's backs. While they may not be on the front lines, they were instrumental in pulling off the most seemingly impossible assignments. Not to mention providing some of the best comic relief.
They have appeared in all 9 Saga films as well as Rogue One, Rebels, The Clone Wars, and we cant forget all of the novels and comics! Speaking of novels and comics, this list contains a handful of the dynamic duo's best appearances in the extended universe.