Attack of the Clones
Explore the rich storylines of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones with this curated book collection, diving deep into the Clone Wars, Jedi, Sith, and clone troopers.
Attack of the Clones
Attack of the Clones, the middle chapter of the Prequel Trilogy, has a colossal amount of responsibility to the story as a whole. Within its pages, it introduces a political faction attempting to secede from the Galactic Republic, a mysterious new apprentice to Darth Sidious, a mystery surrounding the creation of a clone army, that clone army’s subsequent mobilization to start the Clone War, and Anakin and Padmé falling in love. No wonder there are two movies and a television series dedicated to it!
With so many story lines rooted in this time period, there is a tremendous amount of written material dedicated to it. This collection couldn’t possibly contain it all, but we believe we’ve curated some of the most compelling stories. Whether you want to learn about the events of Attack of the Clones and the Clone Wars that followed from the perspective of a clone trooper or a Jedi (or even a Sith apprentice) you’ll find something in this collection for you.
Begun the Clone War has. Now, your journey deeper into the story can, too.