Short Story
The Tenebrous Way
"The Tenebrous Way" is a short story written by Matthew Stover and illustrated by Brian Rood for Star Wars Insider 130. It introduces Darth Plagueis's Sith Master, Darth Tenebrous, who later appeared briefly in the novel Darth Plagueis.
The story is from the point of view of Tenebrous. It takes place when he is killed by Plagueis, but his consciousness remains in the Force while he is trapped within his own decaying body. This story also touches on the fact that he made sure to manipulate Plagueis throughout his training so that Plagueis would be obsessed with immortality.
Matthew Stover
Star Wars Insider Short Stories
66 BBY
(Occurs after Chapter 1 of 'Darth Plagueis')
Rise of the Sith
Dec 13, 2011
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