In one of the most game-changing stories to hit the shelves in the Sequel Trilogy era, Charles Soule chronicles Ben Solo's descent into the dark. Described as "From Ben to Ren," this series begins with the burning of Luke's Jedi Academy and shows Ben being manipulated by Snoke, grappling with his Skywalker/Solo legacy, and encountering the Knights of Ren. It's got gravitas, gut-wrenching twists, and absolutely masterful storytelling that will deepen your love-hate relationship with the man we come to know as Kylo Ren.
Publisher's Summary
With Ben Solo's fall…comes Kylo Ren's rise! As the son of Rebel Alliance heroes Leia Organa and Han Solo, as well as Jedi knight Luke Skywalker's own nephew and protégé, Ben Solo has the potential to be a great force for light in the galaxy. But the Skywalker legacy casts a long shadow, the currents of the dark side run deep…and Darth Vader's blood runs in Ben's veins. Voices call from both his past and his future, telling him who he must be. He will shatter, he will be reforged, and his destiny will be revealed. Snoke awaits. The Knights of Ren await. Ben Solo's path to his true self begins here…
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