TV Episode
The Mandalorian Season One
The Mandalorian is a live-action Star Wars series that follows the story of a lone bounty hunter, who is also a member of the Mandalorian warrior tribe, as he travels the galaxy while taking on dangerous missions.
In the first season, the Mandalorian, whose name is Din Djarin, is tasked with tracking down and capturing a target, who turns out to be a young member of the same species as the iconic Star Wars character Yoda. He also faces off against various enemies such as Moff Gideon, a former Imperial officer and one of the main antagonists of the season. Along the way, the Mandalorian forms a bond with the child, whom he later refers to as "Grogu" and becomes embroiled in a quest to find the child's home and protect him from those who would use his powers for evil purposes.
The Mandalorian S01E01: Chapter 1: The Mandalorian
The Mandalorian S01E02: Chapter 2: The Child
The Mandalorian S01E03: Chapter 3:The Sin
The Mandalorian S01E04: Chapter 4 :Sanctuary
The Mandalorian S01E05: Chapter 5 :The Gunslinger
The Mandalorian S01E06: Chapter 6 :The Prisoner
The Mandalorian S01E07: Chapter 7 :The Reckoning
The Mandalorian S01E08: Chapter 8 :Redemption
Mandalorian (TV Show)
New Republic
Nov 12, 2019
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