
Adult Novel


Master & Apprentice

The relationship between Jedi Master and Padawan is tumultuous as often as it is tight. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi know this fact all too well. In the midst of their struggles to work together, Qui-Gon gets an offer that would allow them to part ways forever. However, after being sent on what may be their final mission together, Qui-Gon begins have visions that cast everyone’s future into doubt.

Claudia Gray once again does what she does best by delivering a moving, impactful story that delves into big questions surrounding the Force. She was entrusted with hugely important characters and uses them expertly.


Claudia Gray


Standalone Canon Novels


40 BBY


Fall of the Jedi


Apr 16, 2019



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Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.

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