
Single Issue Comic


The High Republic Adventures: Echoes of Fear #4

Issue 4 of 4 from Dark Horse Comics The High Republic Adventures: Echoes of Fear Mini Series

Jedi Knight Reath Silas and Jedi Padawan Amadeo Azzazzo embark on a desperate mission to recover the Rod of Ages—the last known fragment of an Echo Stone—in time to help contain the greatest threat that has ever faced the Jedi Order: the deadly Force eaters known as the Nameless.


George Mann


Vincenzo Federici


Dark Horse Comics The High Republic Adventures: Echoes of Fear Mini Series


228 BBY


High Republic


Jan 29, 2025

Available at

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Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.

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