Graphic Novel
Kanan Vol. 2: First Blood (Trade Paperback)
While the first volume starts readers in the midst of the Jedi purge, the second volume of the Kanan comic series stretches farther back to Caleb Dume’s first mission as a padawan under Master Depa Billaba. They fight in the Battle of Mygeeto and encounter the one and only leader of the droid army, General Grievous himself.
In the Star Wars Rebels television show, Kanan speaks highly of his old master and expresses how much he misses her guidance. This second half of the popular comic series backs up what Kanan says in Rebels by showing readers the interaction and companionship between the Padawan and his Master during the Clone Wars.
Greg Weisman
Pepe Larraz, Andrea Broccardo
Marvel Comics Kanan Series
22 BBY - 5 BBY
(Frame story only)
Reign of the Empire
May 31, 2016
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